Formal anaylsis Flashcards
Binary forms
Simple (Symmetrical)
Balanced (Asymmetrical)
Simple binary
A :||: B :||
Both A and B are equal, if A is 8 then B is 8.
Balanced binary
A :||: B :||
B is frequently longer than A and must return to the home key.
They are not equal.
Rounded binary
A :|| B A1 :||
A is the starting, it modulates into B which is generally a modulated version of A. A is brought back.
Modulates to Major - Dominant or Minor - Major
Ternary form
Minuet and trio otherwise known as Composite ternary
- 3 section structure A B A
Rondo form (type of ternary)
Short : A1 B A2 C A3 (coda)
Long: A1 B A2 C A3 B2 A4 (coda)
A must be heard at least 3 times
Coda - extra added tail to the piece
Pedal - Repeated or sustained note (Tonic or Dominant)
Sonata form - Exposition
Exposition :
-Subject/Theme 1 which is often 3-8 bars long in the tonic key
-Bridge growing out of the tonic key and modulates
-Subject/Theme 2 ending in the modulated dominant or relative key
Sonata form - Development
-Work out of material 1 (theme 1)
-Dominant pedal or dominant preparation may be found just before the recapitulation.
-DP : a chord or series of chords that come before the dominant chord in a composition
Sonata form - Recapitulation
-Subject/Theme 1 same or slightly ornamented
-Bridge altered to stay in tonic key
-Subject/Theme 2 is usually in the tonic key.
CODETTA in the 1 key - a short concluding section in a sonata that wraps up a section of a piece of music
Coda optional
Difference between CODA and CODETTA
A coda ends a piece or movement, while a codetta ends a section of a piece
Fugue - Subject, Answer, Countersubject
Subject - a short melody or theme establishing the tonic key and is unaccompanied
Answer - transposition of subject
REAL (RA) - exact
TONAL (TA) - interval is altered
Counter subject - Accompanies the first entry of the answer and used regularly with subject and answer.
Fugue - Codetta, Redundant entry
Codetta - A modulating passage seen often following the first entry of the answer, returning into the tonic key
Redundant entry - Sometimes an extra entry of the subject or answer occurs in the exposition.
Composite Ternary (MINUET)
It will have an internal form of either rounded, simple, balanced and MAYBE ternary but that is less common.
Mark the structure of the section, often told by the double bars
Composite Ternary (TRIO)
It will have an internal form of rounded, simple, balanced binary and possibly ternary, but that is less common.
“De capo” tells that it is a Ternary form.