Form of Slave Protest Flashcards
What was the first British Caribbean colony to establish a slave code?
Barbados was the first British Caribbean colony to establish a slave code, known as the Barbados Slave Code.
What was the purpose of the Barbados Slave Code?
The purpose of the Barbados Slave Code was to define the status of enslaved people and provide legal justification for controlling them with harsh measures. It also became a model for other British colonies.
What was the name of the slave law used in French colonies?
The slave law in French colonies was called the Code Noir.
What was the slave code called in the Spanish colonies, and where did it originate?
the slave code was called Siete Partidas. It originated in Spain.
Why were these slave codes important to the colonial economies in the Caribbean?
These slave codes were essential for the colonial plantation economy because they legalized the control and exploitation of enslaved people, enabling colonies to sustain large-scale sugar, tobacco, and coffee production.
How were Christian teachings used as a method of control for enslaved Africans?
teaching the enslaved Africans to accept their role as slaves and to
understand the importance of obeying their masters.
Were enslaved Africans allowed to own property legally?
What religious measure was taken to control enslaved Africans’ cultural beliefs?
In some territories, enslaved Africans were baptized into the European religion, usually Christianity, while their African religious practices were banned.
What was the psychological impact of telling enslaved Africans that they were inferior to Europeans?
The whites constantly emphasized that the Negro was inferior to the
White and that their societies in Africa were uncivilized.
What was an extreme physical punishment used to control enslaved Africans, and what was its purpose?
Cutting off their limbs
Why was it important for slave owners to prevent enslaved Africans from practicing their own religions?
Preventing enslaved Africans from practicing their own religions helped to break their connection to their cultural roots, making it harder for them to bond together and resist enslavement.
List the Types of Slave
What were some non-violent ways enslaved Africans resisted work by pretending?Non-insurrectionary
*Pretended to ill
*Pretended to be stupid.
*Frequent requests to ‘Go-a-bush”
so as to perform basic bodily
*Developing creole Languages
*Go slow
*They retained their languages, folklores,beliefs including obeah
and Islam.
*Some reopened old
sores by allowing
“chigga worms” in
their feet to remain
there, thus making
them limp.
Insurrectionary is also know as?
What were some violent ways enslaved Africans resisted work by pretending? insurrectionary
*Industrial Sabotage
-Arson/ burning of fields
-Killing livestock
-Destruction of carts, mills, machinery, utensils
*Rebellion or Revolt
*Murdering of whites and other enslaved people to deprive the
master of “valuable property’.
Resistance used by Female
Enslaved people?
*Used periods of child bearing to do the minimum of work and to
extract the maximum of concessions from the master.
*They took full advantage of their menstrual processes for
absenting themselves from work.
*They prolonged the period they spent as nursing mothers.
-By law, slave mothers suckling an infant were given extra food
allowances and allowed to go to work an hour later and leave an
hour earlier than the other enslaved people.
*They committed infanticide.
*They committed abortion