Form and Content of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) (F10:M3) Flashcards
the CAFR is divided into 3 sections, what are those sections?
introductory (letter of transmittal, organizational chart, list of principal officers)
financial (MD&A, basic financial statements, required supplementary information)
statistical (10 years of data)
*only the financial section is audited
if a component unit is not a separate legal entity, is the unit’s annual financial results presented discretely or blended with the primary government?
what is the basic criterion used to determine the reporting entity for a governmental unit?
financial accountability
is fiduciary activity included in the government-wide statement of net position?
according to GASB 34, what are “basic financial statements”?
government-wide FS, fund FS, and notes to the FS
what are the only two acceptable methods of presenting component units?
discrete and blended
how are enterprise funds and internal service funds classified in the government-wide FS?
enterprise: business type activities
internal service: generally included in governmental type activities
what are the government-wide financial statements?
statement of net position
statement of activities
- NO statement of CF
- economic resources measurement focus = accrual basis of accounting
how do you know if a special purpose local government (e.g., school district) is a primary government? *SELF
If all of the following are met:
Separately Elected governing body
Legally separate
Fiscally independent of other state and local governments
when will a component unit be blended?
board of the component is SUBSTANTIVELY the same as that of the primary government
component services the primary government exclusively
component is not a separate legal entity
*otherwise it is presented discretely (default)
government-wide FS focus on ___ accountability
Fund FS focus on ___ accountability
operational (LT efficient and effective use of resources)
fiscal (ST compliance and current year performance)