form 3 - prac EXAM Flashcards
- 6th intercostal space, axillary line
***MAJOR lou
- reg Qi + BLD—————————-pain (chest, hypoch)
- firms/softens tendons & bones—-flaccid limbs/joints
- unbind chest—————————asthma
*nail, index finger, radial side
***jing well
- cl. heat—————————febrile disease
- revives conciousness—-loss conciousness
- clears throat——————sore throat
*neck, btw 2 heads of SCM muscle, lvl adams apple
- reg LU qi—-asthma, cough (due. LU qi def fail disp)
2. cl. throat—-sore throat/ sudden loss voice
*forearm, line btw LU-9 and LU-5(lat biceps tendon)
5 cun distal to LU-5, on brachioradialis muscle>
1/2=6cun, 1/2prox=3, 1/3 to fine 5cun from LU-5
***xi-cleft LU
- reg LU qi——-asthma, cough
- resolv. EPF—-sore throat, hemoptysis (acute), epistaxis
*belly, 1.5 cun below umbillicus> 6 finger divide, and btw BB hand index and middle finger
- ton TRUE yin+yang—-def yuan qi, collapse yang
- reg menses & leucorrhea—irreg mense
- warm LJ——————-amenorrhea
- disp DAMP—————diarr
*lat. elbow, lat crease > mid btw LU-5 (lat biceps tendon) and lat. epicondyle
LI-11***He sea (LI) = —–vom, diarr, ab pain
- disp WIND + resolv. Exterior synd–derm!!!, throat, eye
- free flows merid + stop PAIN——–elbow pain
- drain FIRE + antipyretic—————–febrile, HA
- belly, 2 cun lat. midline, 4 cun inf to costal angle, lvl CV-12/ belly of rectus abdominis muscle > (8 cun costal angle to umbilicus) 1/2 = 4 cun!
- reg QI (MJ)——————–vom, epigast pain
- harmon ST + intestines—diarr
- rel accum + STAG———poor app, abd dist
- ton SP TT———————diar
*pelvis, 1 cun superior to pubic symphysis
lvl with CV-3 but 2 cun lat,
- warms meridians (disp cold)–abd pain
2. repl. chong + ren merid——irreg. menses, prolapse uterus, leucorrhea
SI-3* +*
*hand, ulna border, depression prox. to head 5th metacarpal (the really painful hand point brett did!!)
**shu stream (stiff joints) ** confluent pt (GV)
- frees DU merid—–pain back, L. back (neck, head)
- disp WIND + HEAT—-scabies, malaria
* L. leg > 6cun from tibio/femoral joint (1/2=8cun, prox 1/2 =4cun, 1 cun prox
16 cun lat. side
***LOWER he sea (LI)
- reg ST + SP + intestines——*diarr, intestinal abscess
- cl. DAMP HEAT—————–same
- nape neck, approx 1 cun above hairline, immed. below external occipital protuberance (sup. to hair line)
- disp WiND + COLD——HA, stiff neck
2. drains fire——————HA , vertigo
LI-4 (he gu)***
*hand, btw 1st and 2nd metacarple, radial border mid way 2nd bone
*** yuan point (LI)
- disp WIND, cl. HEAT—-HA frontal, sore throat, febrile
- revives spirit————–loss conciousness
- armpit > depression centre axilla
- rel. chest congestion——pain (cardiac, hypochon)
- reg Qi + BLD —————Pain (sholder, arm)
- calm mind——–insom
LU-5 ***
- elbow, depression radial side tendon biceps brachii
*** he sea (LU)
- cl. LU FIRE + Heat——tidal fever, hemoptysis, infant con
- desc + disp LU qi——asthma, cough
* pain elbow
- distal head of ulna cleft> arm by side, finger on raised bump, move with arm to cross the chest, fall in depression
***Xi-cleft (SI)
- brighten eyes———-blur vision
- free flow Qi + BLD —-ache (sholder, back, elbow, arm)