Forgetting Flashcards
What is forgetting?
Forgetting is a failure to retrieve memories from the long term store / memories are ‘lost’
Due to a lack of accessibility
Outline interference theory
Forgetting in LTM can occur through interference
Interference is when one set of info competes with another, causing it to be confused in LTM
More likely when 2 sets of info are similar
More likely when there is short time gap between the instances of learning
Outline proactive interference
Proactive in when PRevious info competes with new info so the new info is forgotten
Eg get a new phone and give someone your old number instead of your new one
Outline retroactive interference
Retroactive is when Recent info competes with old info so the old info is forgotten
Eg you learn French at GCSE and Spanish at A level and find the recent Spanish words outcompete the old French words
Evaluate proactive interference using Wickens’ research support
Wickens )1972) gave ppts 4 trials and asked them to recall nonsense trigrams
The stimuli in first 3 trials was the same / letter based on
But stimuli in 4th trial was number based
Wickens found performance gradually declined in trials 1-3 but the number based trial had almost 100% recall
Wickens concluded that because the material in 4th trial was different, it was easier to remember
The decline in performance In trials 1-3 shows evidence of proactive interference as the old info (trial 1) interfered with the learning of letters in trials 2 and 3 because the info was similar
Evaluate interference theory using the artificiality of the research support as a limitation
Interference research often criticised for being artificial
Most research evidence comes from artificial lab experiments which use tasks that lack mundane realism
Eg Wickens (1972) study required ppts to learn and recall nonsense trigrams
These tasks rare in day to day life Therfore research has little relevance to everyday situations
However, interference effects have been observed in everyday situations eg Baddeley and Hitch’s rugby study
Evaluate retroactive interference using research support from Baddeley and Hitch’s rugby study
Baddeley and Hitch (1977) investigated interference effects in everyday setting of rugby players recalling names of teams played against over a rugby season
Some played all games whereas some missed games due to injury
It was found that players who played most games had poorest recall (most interference)
These results support idea of retroactive interference as the learning if new info (new team names) interfered with the memory of old info (earlier team names) causing old info to be forgotten
Evaluate interference theory using the application to the real world
One strength of interference theory is research has important practical applications
Chandler (1989) found students who study similar subjects at same time often experience interference, therefore are more likely to forget info
Eg due to similar nature of material, revision of Sociology followed by Psychology should be avoided because one will interfere with the recall of the other
Students should plan there revision effectively to avoid confusion
This a strength as interference research can be used to avoid forgetting and improve recall in important real world situations such as within education
Outline Retrieval Failure including the encoding specificity principle
Retrieval failure occurs when people forget information due to insufficient cues
When info is initially placed in memory, associated cues are stored at same time
If theses cues are not available at time of recall it may appear as if you have forgotten the info
However this is due to retrieval failure - not being able to access memories that are there
Encoding specificity principle suggests if cues are not present at the time of recall that were there during encoding, then the info is not accessible and therefore appears forgotten (Tulving and Thomson 1973)
Briefly outline Context Dependent Forgetting
Cues are external cues eg associated words, places, smells
The absence of these external cues can lead to Context Dependant Forgetting
Outline Context Dependant Forgetting using the Procedure of Godden and Baddeley diver study
Procedure: 18 divers learned a list of 36 unrelated words either underwater or on land and then were asked to free recall the words either underwater or on land
This created 4 conditions (repeated measures design as each diver did all conditions)
Learn on land, recall on land
Learn underwater, recall on land
Learn on land, recall underwater
Learn underwater, recall underwater
What were the findings of Godden and Baddeley diver study? (Context Dependant Forgetting AO1 or AO3)
In the conditions where the environmental context of learning and recall were DIFFERENT, ppts were MORE LIKELY TO FORGET (the mean free recall in condition UL was 8.5 and condition LU was 8.6) than the conditions where the contexts of learning and recall were the same
This is because the external cues available were different from the ones available at recall and this led to retrieval failure
What were the conclusions made from Godden and Baddeleys diving study?
Forgetting is more likely to occur when the contexts are inconsistent
When info is encoded in memory associated contexts are recorded at the same time
If these contexts are different at the time of retrieval, then it may appear that you have forgotten the info
However this is retrieval failure where you are not able to access memories that are there
Briefly outline State Dependant Forgetting
Cues may be internal cues eg mood, emotional state, physiological state etc
The absence of these internal cues may lead to State Dependant Forgetting
Outline the procedure of Goodwin et als (1969) study into State Depndant Forgetting
Male volunteers learnt list words either drunk or sober
Drunk =3 x over UK driving limit
Ppts recalled list words after 24 hours either drunk or sober