Forest Ascetics- The Early History of Yoga Flashcards
Vedic Religion
c. 1500 BCE
the oldest Sanskrit scriptures
veda = knowledge
4 vedas: ṛg Veda, Sāma Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda
Largely hymns, prescriptive ritual and liturgical texts, mytho-poetic, cosmological
emphasis on orality, written much later
śruti = head
vs smṛti = remembered
chanted, commited to memory, by familial lineages of Brahmin men
Brahmanical religion
mantras = efficacious sacred sound
vāc = sacred speech/goddess, from which the universe manifests, the cosmos as vibratory
Vedic ritual and Cosmology
- Hymns to a pantheon of naturalistic Vedic deities
- “Henothestic” (worship of a single, overarching god while not denying the existence or possible existence of other lower deities) religion
Indra - god of storm, war Sūrya - god of sun Soma - deified plant, ritual drink (psychotropic) Pṛthvi - god of earth Vāyu - god of wind Agni - god of fire
yajña = fire sacrifice ṛta = cosmic harmony
Early “Yoking” in the Ṛg Veda
yoga in the Ṛg Veda (1500 BCE)
- bringing together a word and its meaning
- hitching an animal to its rig/chariot
- the word yoga does NOT yet suggest a meditational or soteriological discipline
8th century BCE
Forest (āraṇyaka) texts
philosophical, wisdom texts
would form the major scriptural foundation for Vedānta (“end of the Vedas”)
contain some of the earliest written teachings on yoga
subtle critique of Vedic ritualism, reinterpretation, not outright rejection
interiorization of Vedic ritual
turning within
pursuit of ultimate reality (brahman)
nature of self (ātman)
divinity, human suffering, death, immortality
upa = down ni = near ṣad = sit
dialogues between guru, students, sages, gods
Kaṭha Upaniṣad
Story of Brahmin boy, Nachiketas and Death (Yama)
Nachiketas journeys to house of Death and waits 3 days
Death grants the boy 3 wishes:
1) for his father to release his anger toward him
2) to elarn the ritual fire that will grant him heaven (hidden in the cave of the heart)
3) to learn the secret of what happens at death
Death becomes the teacher of yoga
Kaṭha Upaniṣad
Rider Chariot Charioteer Reins Horses Paths
Rider - Self - ātman
Chariot - Body - śarīra
Charioteer - Intellect - buddhi
Reins - Mind - manas
Horses - Senses - indriya
Paths- Sense Objects - viṣaya
Early “Yoking” in the Upaniṣads
(5-6 c BCE)
the state of yoking the mind, breath, and senses
Interiorization of the word yoga
Early “Yogis”
roughly 2500 years ago, 5/6th c. BCE
‘Greater Magadha’, north-east India, along the Ganges
“Extra-Vedic” asceticism
Buddhists, Jains, Ājivakas
the first yogis called śramaṇas (toilers)
original “counter-culturalists”
Early sources: Hagiographies of the Buddha (Pāli Canon), the Epics, late Upanisads, Greek writings
Early Encounters: West meets East
4th BCE Alexander the Great meets ascetics
The Buddha as Ascetic
The life story of Śākyamuni Buddha is emblematic of the śramaṇa movement
Exemplary evidence of early Indian asceticism and the roots of yoga
Prince Siddhārtha, kingdom above the Gangetic plain, in today’s modern Nepal
Leaves behind his royal life of plenitude in search of the meaning of life and death, and the quest for enlightenment
Studies with numerous gurus along the way
Practices extreme feats of asceticism (e.g fasting, eating only one mustard grain per day)
Only to reject extreme asceticism, and adopt the “Middle Way”
Early Yoga Practices (5)
Meditation / dhyāna
Chanting mantras / OṂ
Breath control / prāṇāyāma
Seated postures / āsana
Spiritual heat/austerity (tapas), including postures and inversions
Asceticism and Tapas
Cultivation of tapas (lit “heat”)
Physical and mental austerities
Forerunners of physical techniques of Haṭhayoga, e.g standing on one foot, raising the arms above the head, hanging upside-down “like a bat”
Largely male, celibate, ascetics
Goals: attainment of boons from deities, supernatural powers (siddhi), immortality, heaven, or “release” (mokṣa) from saṃsāra
Ancient Inversions:
The retention of:
bindu = life-force, semen
rajas = female equivalent
associated with immortality (amṛta)
stored in the cranial vault
practice aimed at reversing and retaining its power
Ancient inversion practice, e.g “Bat-Penance” (Pāli vagguli-vata) = (later in Haṭhayoga) tapkar āsan
Yoga in the Epics
Yoga teachings in the “Book of Peace” (Śanti Parvan), the 12th chapter of the Mahābhārata (Ch 6 of the MBh = Bhagavadgītā)
Yoga and asceticism in the Rāmāyana
Associated with sages (muni): Yājñavalkya, Vasiṣṭha, Hiraṇyagarbha
Modern Inheritors of the Muni yoga traditions
Rāmānandī Tyāgīs
Daśanmāi Saṃnyāsīs
Conclusions: Early Yoga
Our most definitive evidence suggests that yoga arose approximately 2500 years ago in the śramaṇa culture of northern India’s Gangetic plains
The origins of yoga are found in these renunciate traditions which emphasized the cultivating of tapas, the eradication of karma, and sought mokṣa from worldly existence
It is here that we can find the “roots” of the psychophysical methods of the later medieval Haṭhayoga tradition
Yoga was originally “extra-Vedic” however was later adopted by the mainstream Brāhmaṇical tradition