Forensic Science Fundamentals & Investigation Chapter 9 Flashcards
Illegal drug
a drug that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness, has limited or no medical use, & is listed in schedule 1 of the US controlled substance act
a drug that changes a perceptions and thinking during intoxication
a substance that decreases or inhibits the nervous system, reducing alertness
powerful cravings for a drug; unlike addiction, dependency does not result in physical withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation of the drug.
Controlled substances act
law that establishes penalties for possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs & established five schedules for classifying drugs
controlled substance
a drug or other chemical compound whose manufacture distribution, possession & use are regulated by the legal system
a physical process associated with drug use whereby a person craves a drug; failure to take the drug can result in withdrawal symptoms
and addictive, sleep inducing drug, often derived from opium, that acts as a central nervous system depressant and suppresses pain
a natural or manufactured substance that can cause severe illness or death if ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin.
a substance affecting the nervous system by increasing alertness, attention, & energy, as well as elevating pressure , heart rate & respiration.
a condition occurring with consistent use of one drug whereby a person needs more & more of the drug to produce the same effect
the degree to which a substance is poisonous or can cause illness
the study of drugs, poisons, & other substances that harm a person when used for medical , recreational , or criminal purposes
a substance naturally produced by a living thing that can cause illness or death
Forensic toxicology
helps determine cause- and-effect relationships between Exposure to a drug or other substance and Toxic or lethal effects from that exposure