forensic packaging/exhibit management week 3 Flashcards
what code in the PACE act describes the powers of the police to retain exhibits?
Code D
what is the value of a forensic item found at a crime scene?
the value is its potentional to provide contribution in supporting or refuting an allegation or its ability to provide a link in a sequence of events
when seizing and packaging exhibits what are the 3 requirements to maximize its forensic potential?
- preservation
- protection
- continuity
what is preservation in terms of seizing and packaging exhibits from a crime scene?
collecting and sealing an exhibit in such a manner as to demonstrate that nothing can be added or lost form the exhibit by accident or deliberately
what is protection in terms of seizing and packaging exhibits from a crime scene?
to maintain the exhibit in pristine condition for the subsequent scientific examination/production in court of law
to prevent contamination or loss of evidence what should be sealed+signed and what procedure should be taken?
- all openings
-manufacturer seals
-attached labels - record evidence bag no. on your log of actiond
to ensure continuity of packaged evidence what should you have attached to the packaging which the exhibit is in and why
- an exhibit label
- this provides a record of posession/accountability from scene to court which should be completed once the item leaves your custody
what items are packaged in paper sacks?
mostly clothes and shoes
what does NABIS stand for?
national ballistics intelligence service
what does a forensic archaelogist do?
uses archaeological techniques to help locate and recover evidence and human-remains at crime scenes