Forelimb Muscles Flashcards
What are the three parts of the brachicephalicus
celidobrachialis, cleidocervicalis and cleidomastoidus
What nerve innervates the trapezius
accessory nerve
What nerve innervates the omotransvers
accessory nerve
What nerve innervates the cutaneous trunci
lateral thoracic nerve
What nerve innervates the supraspinatus and infraspinatus
suprascapular nerve
What nerve innervates the teres minor
What nerve innervates the subscapularis
subscapular and axillary
What nerve innervates the coracobrachialis
What nerve innervates the teres major
What nerve innervates the deltoid
What nerve innervates the biceps brachii
What nerve innervates the brachialis
What nerve innervates the triceps brachii
What nerve innervates all extensors of the antebrachii
What nerve innervates the pronator teres
What nerve innervates the flexor carpi radialis
median nerve
What nerve innervates the flexor carpi ulnaris
ulnar nerve
What nerve innervates the superficial digital flexor
Median nerve
What nerve innervates the deep digital flexor
Median and ulnar nerve
What nerve innervates the interosseous
ulnar nerve
What is the function of the brachicephalicus
Protract and move limb towards head or draw head around in flexion
What is the action of the trapezius
Elevate limb if both cervial and thoracic fibres contract, cervical (caudoventally alligned) contraction swings limb forward
What is the function of the omotransverse
Pulls scapula to head or draws neck towards ground
What is the function of the latissimus dorsi
Straps scapula to chest, , retraction of free limb and flexion of shoulder joint. When weight bearing pulls trunk forward
F: Superficial pectoral
Shoulder fixator, prvents abduction of the limb
F: Deep pectoral
Limb retractor, slings trunk
F: Rhomboid
Holds scapula against trunk, may rotate the scapula to retract the limb
F: Ventral serrate
Slings body, raise thorax. When acting unilaterally can draw neck to that side and can bilaterally raise the neck
F: cutaneous truncii
Can twitch
F: supraspinatus
Fixator, acts as a cranial collateral ligament, resists flexion of shoulder isometrically
F: Teres minor
Fixator, acts as lateral collateral ligament ,flex or extend shoulder joint depending on position
F: Infraspinatus
Fixator, acts as lateral collateral ligament . flex or extend shoulder joint depending on position
F: Subscapularis
Medial collateral ligament of the shoulder joint, adducts shoulder,
F: Coracobrachialis
Mostly an adductor/stabiliser of shoulder but potential weak extensor
F: Teres major
Flexor of shoulder joint
F: Deltoid
Flexes shoulder joint and abducts humerus
F: Biceps brachii
Flexes elbow and fixes shoulder by resisting flexion when standing
F: Brachialis
Second elbow flexor
F: Triceps brachii
Extend elbow and long head can flex the shoulder
F: Tensor fascia antebrachii
Extends the elbow, tenses antebrachial fascia
Extends carpus and weak flexor of elbow
F: Abductor pollices longus
Medial deviation of the first digit and paw (adduction), weak carpus extensor and weak pronator
To extend the joints of the digits
Further extends already extended carpus and flexes already flexed carpus, also capable of lateral deviation of paw
F: Supinator
Supinates radius relative to ulna, function largely reduced but still possible in dogs and cats
F: Pronator teres
Flexes carpus and digits, only muscle that can flex distal interphalangeal joint
F: Pronator quadratus
Turns forepaw inwards in pronation