Foreign Policy Quiz Two Flashcards
Called on the US to stay involved in world politics to protect AMerican trade interests, encourage democracy, and advance human rights
While policymakers called on the US to stay involved in world politics to protect what?
American trade interests, encourage democracy, and advance human rights
Who was Iraq’s leader in 1990?
Saddam Hussein
Who did Saddam Hussein invade?
What were they threatening?
Middle Eastern oil supplies
During the 1990’s Hussein managed to keep tension high by failing to what?
Cooperate with un-mandated inspections
Through the 1990’s , who sent US forces to several places?
President Clinton
What was President Clinton trying to do?
Maintain political order and protect humanitarian interests
In 1992, American troops join what?
A multination force in Somalia
What were the American troops trying to protect?
Relief organizations
In 1994 American troops preserved order where?
In 1995, American and NATO allies intervened to end ethic warfare among who?
Croats, Serbs, and Muslims
This resulted from the breakup of the former where?
In 1999, America and NATO air power and troops forced who to withdraw from Yugoslavia?
Serbian troops
What Yugoslavian province was it?