What is the historical debate?
- H’s ideology and aggression= conflict of ww2 and destructive nature
Historians look at - influence of German history on Nazi foreign pol
- h’s ideas, role in shaping policy
- reasons for invasion of Poland 39
-contribution of other nations
Influence of German history
- suggest H followed Sonderweg (special path
- make country more militaristic than other nations
- authoritarian and militaristic culture of Germany, second Reich built after military conflict
- influence of militaristic Prussian Army traditions
Nazi policy and G history
- September program: ww1, G’s ambitions take over Europe
- Weltpolitik scheme- colonial expansionism and based off racist assumption
- lebensraum: living space.
Said needed to grow in late 19th C
Popular scheme - anti semitism alongside pseudo science/ racial purity: popular
- unification of German people= strong Germany
Critics of view
- reject sonderweg
- major European countries imperialist and racist at time
- didn’t lead to prep of major war
Franco German tensions and ToV
- France and Germany long term relations led to outbreak
- second Reich built after Franco Prussian War 1870-1 - French defeat
- took over regions e.g. Lorraine
- French / German tensions: after WW1 France wanted territory back
Make Germany pay
- wanted lebensraum
- wanted overturn ToV
- to achieve expanded German military
- annexed Austria and Czech before Poland 39
- wanted racially pure state where satalite states enslaved
Blomberg Fritz Affair:
1938 H decides to push forward annexation of Austria
Purged any generals against
Not popular with people
- 25 points programme 20s: abolish ToV and Lebensraum
- Mein Kampf: Lebensraum
- 1928 2nd Hand book: stage by stage process to make Germany world power
- 4 yr plan: get ready for Germany war
- hossbach memorandum 37: H discuss with senior generals hopes for Anschluss and destruction of Czech by 45
- would improv
- unsure of how Brit and France respond to Rhineland, but accepted. After FP = bolder
- 30s Hitler avoid war
- Hitler willing to sign treaties with allies and any excuse to expand Czech and Poland
Contribution of other nations
- could overturn ToV because of weakness of international system
-USA + USSR stay out of foreign affairs
-Brit and France not in strong position after Depression, France polit unstable - LoN ineffective- supposed to work for peace, lacked unity and action against aggression e.g. couldn’t stop Italy invade Abyssinia 36
- Spanish civil war saw Germany and Italy unity after fascist and nationalist win. France and Brit not involved- looks like they won’t get in way
- FP in 35
- Czech invasion 39
- showed weakness and passivity
- Brit and France want to avoid war : weak economy and politically
- Brits beloved ToV to harsh, supported to reverse terms by H
- France politics too weak , not strong enough to take action against G
- USSR France Brit couldn’t work together
- Brit reluctant to work with USSR bc communist
Consequence of appeasement
-35-38: allowed G breach ToV terms, more aggressive FP
- overlooked, sometimes consent aggressive acts
- no action when remilitarise Rhineland
- didn’t stop Anschluss
- H threatened Czech 38:
Chamberlin rather negotiate Munich agreement, Czech gov had little choice but to sign
Allowed G to take over
Why invade Poland?
- Brit avoid war but didn’t want G too powerful
- signed Polish Guarantee 39: allow Polish independence
- hops would persuade H to stop expansionism
Hitler and Poland
- Didn’t take polish guarantee seriously
- viewed Brit and France govs weak so prepared to continue plans
Nazi soviet pact:
39- Poland divide between USSR and Germany. Meant wouldn’t have to worry about Soviet opp if attacked
- though France and Brit would back down
- hadn’t taken Munich Agreement seriously
Domestic reasons for G invasion on Poland:
- impact of 4 yr Plan:
- need for raw materials to makes weapons = payment crisis
- 39 Germany forced to slow down rearms drive
- more raw materials could be achieved gain more territory and then resources: expansion could have been bc of this
- Rearms: poor living standard
- devoting resources to rearms= G not have resources to improve wage
- supply of consumer foods and food limited
- econ discontent: historians think war needed to unite people
- argues Blitzkrieg could achieve this, short war against Poland = get resources
Role of individuals
- for a more aggressive FP
- appointed 38 after Neurath wanted more pragmatic policy
- key figure in Nazi Soviet pact 39
- creating and equipt Luftwaffe
- head of 4 yr plan : head of Rearms
- big part of econ and militaristic foundation
- 38 advocates Anschluss
- hid German weaknesses such as Luftwaffe and 4 yr plan fail= lead H to risk Poland
Nature of gov
Cumulative radicalisation :
- became more aggressive FP
- Checks and balances of Weimar ignored
- pursue FP without interference