Foreign Policy Flashcards
When did the Mau Mau rebellion begin and where?
1952 in Kenya
When did Nasser become president of Egypt?
Treaty of Paris
1951 - established the European Coal and Steel Community
When did British troops enter Korea? When did peace talks begin?
Britain entered Korea in 1950 and then peace talks began in 1951.
What percentage of income was spent on defence in 1952?
When and where was Britain’s first atomic bomb test?
1952 in Australia
When did the Korean war end?
Who died in 1953? Who was his replacement?
Stalin - replaced by Khrushchev
Geneva Conference
1954 - to discuss bringing peace in indo-china. Eden played a significant role in peace talks.
Messina Conference
1955 - the six formed the ECSC a
Who were the six?
France, West Germany, Italy and the three Benelux countries: Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg
Treaty of Rome
1957 - formation of the EEC
Why did Britain not join the EEC initially?
The government were suspicious of the free market and saw trade with the commonwealth as far more important
Suez Crisis
1957 - Britain, France and Israel came up with a plan to launch an attack on Suez after Nasser announced his plans to build the Aswan Dam and nationalise the canal, charging foreign ships travelling through.
When and why did Britain withdraw from Suez?
In November 1956, because the USA threatened to withdraw their financial support
Name two countries and when they gained independence.
- Sudan in 1956
- Ghana in 1957
- Uganda in 1962
- Kenya in 1963
- any other acceptable answer
First hydrogen bomb test?
When was CND formed?
When and where was the ‘Winds of Change’ speech?
1960 in Cape Town: blamed decolonisation of ‘the growth of national consciousness’ in the colonies.
When did the Labour Party hold a conference in favour of Nuclear disarmament?
When were the Blue Streak Missiles cancelled?
When was EFTA founded and who were the member states?
1960 - Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
When were POLARIS missiles purchased?
When did Britain apply to join the EEC? When were the rejected?
1961 but rejected in 1963
How did Britain attempt to gain support for their EEC application? Why were they rejected?
Macmillan travelled to all the member states in an attempt to drum up support. De Gaulle didn’t like their close relationship with America.
Partial Test Ban Treaty
1963 - banned nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere, in outer space, and under water
When was Kennedy assassinated? Who was his successor?
1963 Johnson.
What began happening in 1964 and what did this mean for Britain’s ‘special relationship’ with the USA?
Britain sold Leyland buses to Cuba, despite American objections. This put strain on the special relationship, something that was only exacerbated by the Vietnam War under Wilson.