Foreign Phrases Flashcards
a posteriori
based on inductive reasoning
a priori
based on deductive reasoning
ad hoc
for specific purpose
alter ego
second self
amicus curiae
friend of the court
beau geste
noble gesture
bête noire
someone or something particularly disliked (black beast)
bon mot
witty remark or comment (good word)
bona fide
in good faith; genuine
carpe diem
seize the day
carte blanche
unrestricted power (blank document)
causus beli
pretext for war
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
corpus delicti
body of the crime; substantial fact necessary to prove the commission of a crime actual
de facto
de jure
by right; technically true
deus ex machina
contrived device to resolve a situation (god from a machine)
dies irae
day or wrath; judgment day
dolce vita
the sweet life; a life of indulgence
ecce homo
behold the man
ex cathedra
by virtue of one’s office
ex parte
from partisan point of view
ex post facto
after the fact; retroactively