Foreign Currency Accounting and Other Financial Statement Presentations Flashcards
Foreign Currency Transactions
Transactions with a foreign entity (buying from and selling to) denominated in (to be settled in) a foreign currency.
Foreign Currency Translation
The conversion of the FS of a foreign entity into FS expressed in the domestic currency.
Exchange Rate
The price of one unit of a currency expressed in unites of another currency; the rate at which two currencies will be exchanged at equal value.
Direct Method - Exchange Rate
The domestic price of one unit of another currency.
One euro costs $1.47
Indirect Method - Exchange Rate
The foreign price of one unit of the domestic currency.
0.68 euro buys $1.00
Current Exchange Rate
The exchange rate at the current date, or for immediate delivery of currency, often referred to as the spot rate. Year end
Forward Exchange Rate
The exchange rate existing now for exchanging two currencies at a specific future date. (bet)
Historical Exchange Rate
The rate in effect at the date of issuance of stock or acquisition of assets. Used for equity.
Weighted Average Rate
Used for Income Statement. Takes into account the exchange rate fluctuations for the period.
Reporting Currency
The currency of the entity ultimately reporting financial results of the foreign entity.
Functional Currency
The currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates, usually the local currency or the reporting currency.
Foreign Currency Translation
The restatement of FS denominated in the functional currency to the reporting currency using appropriate rates of exchange. “Functional”
Foreign Currency Remeasurement
The restatement of foreign FS from the foreign currency to the entity’s functional currency in the following situations:
- Reporting currency = functional currency
- FS must be restated in the entity’s functional currency prior to translating the FS from the functional currency to the reporting currency.
Remeasurement Method (temporal method) "Dysfunctional"
FS of foreign sub are not in the sub’s functional currency, the FS are remeasured to the functional currency starting with the balance sheet.
- Balance Sheet
- Monetary items = current/yr-end rate (fixed)
- Nonmonetary items = historical rate (fluctuate) - Income Statement
- Non-balance sheet related items = weighted avg rate
- Balance Sheet related items = historical rates - Remeasurement Gain/Loss (income statement)
- plug currency G/L to get NI to the required amt needed to adjust RE in order to make the balance sheet balance.
Translation Method (current rate method) "Functional"
FS of the foreign sub are in the sub’s functional currency, the FS are translated to the reporting currency starting with the income statement.
- Income Statement
- All income statement items = weighted avg rate
- Transfer NI to RE - Balance Sheet
- Assets & Liabilities = current/yr-end rate
- Common stock/APIC = historical rate
- Retained earnings = roll forward - Translation Gain/Loss (OCI)
- plug translated adjustment to OCI…cumulative translation adjustment