Forecasting Flashcards
What is ERP?
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are large, integrated, computer-based business transaction processing and reporting systems.
Why do we use ERP systems?
The primary advantage of ERP systems is that they pull together all of the classic business functions, such as accounting, finance,
sales, and operations, into a single, tightly integrated package that uses a common database.
What is a Forecast?
An estimate of the future level of some variable.
Forecasting is used to determine:
- Long-term capacity needs
- Yearly business plans
- Shorter-term operations and supply chain activities
Forecast Types
- Demand
- Supply
- Price
What is a demand forecast?
- Overall market demand
- Firm-Level demand
What is a supply forecast?
- Number of current producers and suppliers
- Projected aggregate supply levels
- Technological and political trends that might affect supply
What is a price forecast?
Forecast prices for key materials and services
What are the 4 laws of forecasting?
Law 1: Forecasts Are Almost Always Wrong (But They Are Still Useful).
Law 2: Forecasts for the Near Term Tend To Be More Accurate.
Law 3: Forecasts for Groups of Products or Services Tend to Be More Accurate.
Law 4: Forecasts Are No Substitute For Calculated Values.
What are qualitative forecasting techniques?
Forecasting techniques based on intuition or informed opinion.
- Used when data are scarce, not available, or irrelevant.
What are quantitative forecasting models?
Forecasting models that use measurable or historical data to generate forecasts.
Examples of qualitative forecasting methods
- Market surveys
- Panel consensus forecasting
- Delphi method
- Life-cycle analogy method
- Build-up forecasts
What are market surveys?
Structured questionnaires submitted to potential customers
What is panel consensus forecasting?
Experts come together to develop forecasts
What is the Delphi method?
Experts work individually to develop forecasts
What is the life-cycle analogy method?
Identify the time frames and demand levels of different stages of a new product or service
What are build-up forecasts?
Experts familiar with specific market segments estimate the demand within these segments
What are Time Series Forecasting Methods?
A quantitative forecasting model that uses a time series to develop forecasts.
What is a time series?
A series of observations arranged in chronological order
What are demand patterns?
- Randomness
- Trend
- Seasonality
What is randomness?
Unpredictable movement from one time period to the next.
What is a trend?
Long-term movement up or down in a time series.
What is seasonality?
A repeated pattern of spikes or drops in a time series associated with certain times of the year.
What is the Last Period Model?
The simplest time series model which uses demand for the current period as a forecast for the next period.
What is the Moving Average Model?
A time series forecasting model that derives a forecast by taking an average of recent demand values.
What is the Weighted Moving Average Model?
A form of the moving average model that allows the actual weights applied to past observations to differ.
What is Linear Regression?
- A statistical technique that expresses a forecast variable (y) as a linear function of some independent variable. (x)
- Can be used to develop time series and causal forecasting models.
What are Causal Forecasting Models?
A class of quantitative forecasting models in which the forecast is modeled as a function of something other than time.
- Linear Regression
- Multiple Regression
What is Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR)?
A set of business processes, backed up by information technology, in which supply chain partners agree to mutual business objectives and measures, develop joint sales and operational plans, and collaborate to generate and update sales forecasts and replenishment plans.