Ford, Carter Domestic Policy Flashcards
Ford’s Reputation…
In tatters following his pardon of Nixon with Proclamation 4311 on 8th September 1974, so shortly after his resignation.
Carter’s Reputation
Mild, he proved not to have the charisma of other Presidents. He also was arguably poor at playing politics, and his inability to make friends with Congress resulted in poor co-operation from both sides (mirroring Truman era). Carter was mainly known for SALT II, Camp David Accords, and Energy policy.
Distrust in gov.
Major theme following Watergate, and the Pentagon Papers.
Betty Ford.
Very tied with feminist movement progress.
Corruption under Ford and Carter
Ford -
- Pardoning of Nixon
- The Church Committee reveals the extent of CIA’s meddling
Carter -
- His brother Billy Carter was implicated with the Libyan government funding him $250,000 for an unknown reason for his “Billy Beer”. This was fishy, especially for a President as concerned with human rights as Carter.
- Jimmy Carter v the “killer rabbit” (negative publicity)