Forces Review Flashcards
The study of the causes of motion why do objects move the way thery do
Newtons first law and name
Law of inertia
An object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion until acted on by an outside force
Newtons second law and name
law of forces
The acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to its mass and directly proportional to an balnced fore acting upon it
Newtons third law and name
Law of action/reaction
For every force there is an equal and opposite reaction
A stretching force exerted bt a device as a sting tope or cable. tension is uniform throughout the rope
The quantity of matter in an object
A measure of the force of gravity acting on an object
What kind of force is friction
electrostatic force
Universal gravitation
Objects are pulled toward the center of the earth because e the earth is surrounded by a gravitational feild
Feild strength
based on the strength of the field in different regions. acceleration due to gravity EG 9.81
Feild strength formula
g= Gm/r^2
what is the G value
even #befor 5 round up or down?
multplying ans divinding sig dig
use lowest# of sig dig in final answer
has magnititude only
has magnititude and direction
rate of change in distance with respect to time
rate of change of displacemnt with respect to time
mechanical work
applying a force on an object that displaces the object in the direction of the force
law of conservation of energy
e cannont be created and existing e cannont be destroyed onky changed in form
static elecricity
elecricty at res is an imbalance in electric charges within or on the surface of a material
current elecricity
elecricity in mothin the rate at which an eletric charge flows in a conductor
negative ion
postive ion
law of eletric charge
opposite attract
like repel
netural netural attract postive and negative
how does a magentic feld flow
north to south
why is it magentic
electrons flow in same direction