For Midterm Flashcards
normal adult heart rate
60-80 (60-100)
Nodularity (breasts)
think fine curd cottage cheese - fine mass of small little bumps, no discrete mass among the background
in the upper outer quadrant of many young women’s breasts you might find fine or medium nodularity
Systolic ejection murmur possible diagnoses:
Normal, pulmonic, or aortic stenosis
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
tetralogy of Fallot
drainage from the ear
Whispered pectorliloquy
Whispered words easily heard
suggests lung consolidation
How do you distinguish between dimer and perforation?
use pneumatic otoscope
Squamocolumnar junction
area where the columnar junction of the endocervical canal meets the squamous cells of the external cervix
causes an irregular, deeper red area - usually symmetrical
on younger adolescence, it’s on the outside
later, it regresses
it’s where most HPV lesions occur (cancer)
What would you think of to cause unilateral nasal congestion? Bilateral?
unilateral: nasal mass
bilateral: allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps
Normal PMI is how wide and usually located where?
1-2 cm
medial to the mid-clavicular line at 5th ICS
When doing physical assessment of popliteal artery, remember what 2 things?
- bend knee slightly
- push fingers into popliteal fossa
Should imperforate hymen in prepubertal exam be referred?
Physiological splitting of S2 (normal) heard where/when?
at pulmonic area
during PEAK inspiration
Epistaxis - where do most people commonly bleed?
Kisselbach’s plexus (juncture of all the arteries)
Positive Romberg test (swaying, can’t stand straight with arms out and eyes closed) means
problem with proprioception or ear balance function
“Natural” pacemaker is
SA node
vaginal fornix
space around cervix tucked in the back of vaginal canal
important because things can get lost up there
pain when speaking
Expected diaphragmatic excursion
What would the patient complain of if they were hyperventilating during your auscultation?
feeling dizzy
Are fallopian tubes normally felt?
An 85-year-old female presents with chest pain and dyspnea that is worsen x 3 months. She had a presyncopal episode last week. What type of murmur is this?
- Timing? Systolic
- Location? Left sternal border (LSB) that radiates to apex and carotids
- Shape? Crescendo-decrescendo
- Pitch? Harsh
aortic stenosis
Murmur (5 key etiologies)
- caused by turbulent flow
- flow across partial obstruction of abnormal valve
- backwards through leaky valves
- across shunts like septal defects
- increased flow across normal valve
What should ovaries be like?
2-3 cm, smooth, firm, ovoid, mobile, sensitive to touch
Diastolic murmur grade I out of IV
barely audible
Older adults: be mindful that they may have ___ pulse pressure and ___ hypotension
Rinne test
Always done after Weber
Strike tuning fork and place it on the mastoid bone. (Here, the sound is bypassing external anatomy and being conducted through skull base directly into cochlea. They’ll be able to hear that.) Then, hold the tuning fork in front of their ear, right in the opening of the ear canal. You ask which one is greater.
Mallampati grading 1-4
(tongue extended, mouth open): has to do with the obstruction of the airway in the oropharynx, closely correlated with obstructive sleep apnea
Grade 1: you can see all of the tonsillar pillars, full uvula, all of soft palate (all visible)
Grade 2: can’t see end of uvula or tonsils
Grade 3: root of uvula and end of soft palate
Grade 4: tongue base obstructing all of the posterior oropharynx
Pediatric murmurs are often ___ in children age 3-8
innocent systolic flow murmurs and Grade III or less
Systolic murmur grade II (out of VI) - volume/thrill?
audible but soft no thrill
most cervixes are in what position
midline or downwards
Is tachycardia common during pregnancy? When might you have it?
- 10-20bpm above baseline esp near term
systolic or diastolic? pulmonic stenosis
PDA continuous murmur sounds like what? Is it a diastolic, systolic, or continuous murmur?
harsh “machinery” murmur
facial nerve
responsible for movement on one side of the face
What do Wheezes represent? Quality?
– obstruction of small airways
– High-pitched musical type sound during inspiration and/or expiration
– A “continuous sound”
Secondary sex characteristics (puberty) appear between ages ___ with breast buds
Common Cervical Findings: Polyps
Usually friable (crumble/bleed easily), should be removed
Systolic murmur grade IV (out of VI) - volume/thrill?
easily audible with thrill
retrouterine pouch
opens into abdominal cavity
Non-cyclic breast pain
No relationship to menses, post-menopausal
Calcification and ductal dilatation
more common in women 35+
Expected RR for Adult
uterine fundus
top of the uterus
Systolic murmur grade V (out of VI) - volume/thrill?
easily audible with thrill, heard with stethoscope partially off chest
severe aortic stenosis can radiate where
along the whole precordium/chest
problem-oriented or focused health history
◆ Used when comprehensive history has already been done
◆ Addresses acute or focused problems
◆ Only the need of the moment given full attention
◆ Will include PMH, PSH, FH, as relevant to the presenting complaint or problem.
◆ Most commonly used in reality of clinical practice
pectus carinatum
pigeon chest
How many lobes in right and left lungs?
right: 3
left: 2
Dix-Hallpike test
Test for benign proxismal positional vertigo (stones in the balance canal that spin)
Lay patient down, turn head to one side –
if present you get obvious rotational nystagmus (eye twitching towards the downwards side)
uterus has ___ openings
external and internal
Should you be able to palpate ovary in post-menopausal women?
Location of PVD symptoms: Buttock, hip - what is the associated artery?
Basic principle of vocal resonance: Voice transmission enhanced (improved) if underlying lung field is ____
consolidated (such as in pneumonia)
Expected RR for Newborn
Diastolic murmur grade III out of IV
easily audible
Location of PVD symptoms: Erectile dysfunction - what is the associated artery?
What 2 valves are Semilunar?
Aortic, Pulmonic
Late diastolic murmur possible diagnoses:
Tricuspid or mitral stenosis
Breast self exam should be done which day of menstrual cycle?
Day 4-7 of menstrual cycle
Systolic murmur grade III (out of VI) - volume/thrill?
easily audible no thrill
Edema is most commonly a sign of what?
decreased cardiac function leading to decreased capillary flow
increased fluid perfusion, especially in the gravity dependent areas
In primary care, Problem 1 should usually be
“Health Care Maintenance”
Is audible splitting of heart sounds normal during pregnancy?
Tinnitus is often an early sign of
hearing loss
Pectoral/anterior nodes: where are they located? What do they drain/where do they drain into?
- Lower border of pectorals major inside anterior axillary fold
- Drains anterior chest wall and most of breast
- Drains into central axillary nodes
S4 may be physiologic in ___ and ____ and _____
infants, small kids, adults over 50
Extra Heart Sounds in Systole
- Clicks – usually MVP
- Ejection sound (click)
Diastolic murmur grade IV out of IV
Rounding in child’s chest should be gone by age
S3 correlates with time of what?
rapid ventricular filling (diastole)
Breast lifespan changes: Pregnancy (4)
- increase in size
- pigmented areas darken
- fat replaced by functional ducts
- Montgomery glands lubricate
Neonates vs adult signs of respiratory distress
Neonates: nasal flaring, retractions, paradoxical mvmts., stridor or grunting
Adults: pursed lip breathing (COPD - this is actually helpful for these patients because it allows more time for expiration)
Aortic area murmurs (2nd ICS, right sternal border) - what could they potentially be?
aortic stenosis
aortic regurgitation
Low-pitched vibration occurring in early diastole after S2
What does Friction rub represent? quality?
– Indicates inflammation of pleural surfaces
– Low-pitched, grating sound
– Occurs on inspiration and expiration
A ____ murmur may reflect the increased flow across AV valves in pregnancy, but is much less common and organic disease should be ruled out
innocent diastolic flow murmur
4 components of the “Plan” portion of the health history
- Diagnostic Tests/Consultation
- Therapeutic Interventions
- Client Education
- Follow up
Supernumerary breasts
Non-functional embryonic milk line from groin to axilla
Glandular tissue and /or pigmented lesion
Turbulence in the great veins can cause an ___ in very small children
innocent venous hum
Systolic click with late systolic murmur possible diagnosis:
Mitral valve prolapse
What are contributing factors to tinnitus? (6)
- Cervical spine
- Iatrogenic - meds (Aspirin, NSAIDS, chemo agents)
- Insomnia
- Psychiatric (depression, anxiety will worsen tinnitus)
- Caffeine and sodium intake
Diastolic murmur grade II out of IV
audible but soft
When there is increased voice clarity and volume
suggests lung consolidation
What do Rhonchi represent? Quality?
– represent secretions in large airways
– snoring type of sound
– low pitched
– during insp. and/or exp;
– a “continuous breath sound”***
– may change or clear with coughing
For women 30-65 years, what are the pap recommendations?
Pap every 3 years
Pap and co-testing with HPV every 5 years if both initial tests negative.
pain in ear
ACS mammography recommendations:
age 45-54 yearly >55 every two years, as long as in good health or 10+ years life expectancy
S1 should be consistent with ____ and ____
carotid pulse and PMI
S4 is common in ___ patients
If the sound from the Weber test is louder in one side, it means either of 2 things?
they could have a conductive hearing loss in the side that’s hearing the sound LOUDER
Or it could be that’s the better sensory hearing side, so it could be a sensory hearing loss on the softer side
chronic poor oxygen delivery to the peripheral tissues of the hands and feet
systole Closure of the mitral (tricuspid) valve (M before T)
systolic or diastolic? mitral valve prolapse
What do these tuning fork tests results indicate?
AC>BC bilaterally; Weber lateralized to the Right
sensory hearing loss in the left ear
Systolic murmur grade I (out of VI) - volume/thrill?
barely audible no thrill
Adults: Anterior-posterior (A- P) diam. should be what in relation to transverse diem?
less than
Expected RR for 10 years
4 important questions to take for history of hearing loss
- Laterality (most important)
- Onset
- Fluctuations
- communication function
Is increase in intensity of S1 normal during pregnancy?
One of the most common forms of vertigo is
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Lays down rolls over in bed and spins
What position should patients be in for cardiac auscultation
Supine at 30-45 degrees
Venous vs. arterial phase of epistaxis
Lesser quantity: venous phase
More quantity: arterial phase
2 speculum names and sizes - what’s the difference between the two?
Pedersen: small, medium (S-XL)
Graves: medium, large (S-XL)
difference: width of the beaks
Bronchial/tracheal (tubular) breath sounds: where are they heard? Quality?
– heard over manubrium/ trachea/ large airways (abnormal in other locations)
– relatively loud
– expiratory phase somewhat longer than inspiratory phase or about equal
Location of PVD symptoms: Thigh - what is the associated artery?
Common femoral or aortoiliac
Any time you hear a click, it only refers to
mitral valve prolapse
After initial pap smear at 21 years, they should be done every ___ years until what age?
every 3 years under age 29
Where do you palpate Bartholin’s glands? Is pain normal
5 and 7 o’clock downwards
no pain
Central axillary nodes: where are they located? where do they drain into?
- Palpable high in axilla, close to ribs
- Drains into infra and supraclavicular nodes
Location of PVD symptoms: Upper calf - what is the associated artery?
Superficial femoral
How can slapping someone against the head lead to hearing loss?
Slapping someone alongside the head can form a column of air through ear canal and perforate the eardum, leading to hearing loss
If you note Xanthelasmas (yellowish plaques that occur most commonly near the inner canthus of the eyelid, more often on the upper lid than the lower lid) during eye assessment, what might this indicate?
Pregnant women have a ____ costal angle
Left lateral decubitus position when auscultating accentuates what 3 things?
- left-sided S3
- S4
- mitral murmurs (stenosis)
Otalgia (ear pain) could be referred pain from what 3 areas?
- jaw (bruxism aka teeth grinding)
- cervical spine (sleeping position)
- throat (lesions)
to palpate cervix during bimanual exam, where should abdominal hand be?
midway between umbilicus and pubic bone, applying downward pressure
S1 best heard where?
at the apex with bell
7 components of Pediatric History: SUBJECTIVE DATA
◆ Identification and client profile
◆ Chief Complaint (CC)
◆ Present Concerns/Illness (HPI)
◆ Past Medical History (PMH): including birth, feeding, growth and development, ADLs (diet, sleep, elimination, childcare arrangements, safety practices)
◆ Current development level, including school history
◆ Social and family history, including discipline practices
◆ Review of Systems
systolic or diastolic? mitral stenosis
What breath sounds represent opening of small airways or air bubbling through secretions?
What position accentuates left sided S3, S4, mitral murmurs like stenosis for auscultation?
Left lateral decubitus
What do these tuning fork tests results indicate?
AC>BC bilaterally; Weber is midline
With head bending forward, ___ usually most prominent vertebrae
Sinuses (4 sets)
- frontal (sometimes - not everyone has them)
- ethmoid
- sphenoid
- maxillary
Some types of xanthoma are indicative of lipid metabolism disorders which indicate increased risk of what?
coronary artery heart disease
Lateral nodes: where are they located? What do they drain/where do they drain into?
- On upper humorous
- Drains most of arm
- Drains into central axillary nodes
During pregnancy, there is an increase in what 3 things?
- plasma volume (50% above baseline by 2nd trimester)
- maternal cardiac output (during early pregnancy)
- uterine blood flow (10x normal)
Problem in inner ear like age-related hearing loss, hair cell deterioration would qualify as ___ hearing loss
When auscultating older adults, especially those who have a cognitive impairment or something like Parkinson’s, where is it best to begin auscultating?
at the bottom - work up
you may only get 1 or 2 breaths out of them
may hear basilar crackles
Majority of cervical cancers and HPV lesions appear in what area?
Squamocolumnar junction aka transformation zone, ectropian, squamous metaplasia
Vestibulo-ocular reflex
signal sent from your ear about where you’re moving in space and allowing eyes to keep focused as you’re moving - when you’re driving in car you can read a sign
Why do you massage parotid and submandibular glands from front to back?
to get saliva production and therefore assess patency of ducts
Weber screening test
Done first
Strike the tuning fork on the end, then put it in the center of the patient’s forehead.
Can they hear it? Is it louder in one ear or the other?
Most common GYN concerns (6)
- Vaginal discharge
- Abnormal bleeding
- Pelvic pain
- Urinary problems
- Sexual dysfunction
- Infertility
tonsillar grading 0-4
0 - tonsils removed, not present
1 - most people in here, tonsils tucked into pillars
2 - extend beyond pillars
3 - at least halfway to the uvula
4 - airway issue, the tonsils are touching
Vocal Resonance: normal
Normally voice/spoken words heard through stethoscope should be muffled and difficult to understand
Exam: External Neck - when assessing the salivary gland, why do you need to pay attention to parotid tail
tucks behind the ear, where a lot of tumors come from
How does Pneumatic otoscope work? What will you see if eardrum is intact? What will you see if fluid behind TM?
Pushes air up into the ear canal and against the tympanic membrane
If eardrum is intact, you’ll see mobility - if there’s a hole in the eardrum, you the air will go right through and you won’t see the effect at all
If fluid is present behind the TM, you won’t get any movement either
Tricuspid area murmurs (4th and 5th ICS, left sternal border) - what could they potentially be?
tricuspid stenosis, insufficiency, or regurgitation
Is displaced apical impulse common during pregnancy?
yes - rotated axis to left
Should speculum be closed or open when removing?
vibrations of loud cardiac murmurs
Which is louder, S1 or S2?
What do these tuning fork tests results indicate?
Left BC>AC; Right AC>BC; Weber lateralized to the Left
left conductive hearing loss
Is fertility/ability to get pregnant affected by uterine position?