for later Flashcards
A 500 kg horse is running with the speed of 60 km/h. It slow down on the distance of 5m. What was the friction force, that was used by the horse ?
1.What is humidity?
2.what is Absolute humidity?
3.what is Maximum humidity?
- what is Relative humidity?
1.the feature which describe the amount of water vapour in a sample of air
2.the quantity of water in a particular volume of air
Ha = mw/V
- the maximum amount of water vapour the air can
hold at any specific temperature (saturated vapour).
4.denoted as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapour in a gaseous mixture of air and water vapour to the saturated vapour pressure of water at a given temperature.
Hr = Pa/Pm * 100% = Ha/Hm * 100%
What is Bernoulli’s principle?
What is the law of continuity?
Bernoulli’s principle is a seemingly counterintuitive statement about how the speed of a fluid relates to the pressure of the fluid.
P.1 + 1/2pv.1^2 + pgh.1 = P.2 + 1/2pv.2^2 + pgh.2
P1,v1,h1 refer to the pressure, speed and height of the fluid at point one, and the ones with number 2 do the same for point two
Stated simply, what flows into a defined volume in a defined time, minus what flows out of that volume in that time, must accumulate in that volume.
m = p1 * v1 * A1 + P2 * V2 * A2 + …. + Pin * Vin * Ain
m = Mass flow rate
ρ = Density
v = Speed
A = Area
What is viscosity? what can it be defined by?
It is friction caused by liquids.
The viscosity force can be defined by newtons law F = ηS ∆v/∆y
η = viscosity
S = surface area of plate
∆v/∆y = gradient of velocity
What law is used in elasticity?
What is the young’s modulus?
Hooke’s law - when the force required to stretch an elastic object such as a metal spring is directly proportional to the extension of the spring.
F = -kx
Young’s modulus is a number that measures the resistance of a material to being elastically deformed.
E = stress/strain