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- On earth there are 2 swords; one given to _______ , other to ________
state, church
Purpose of social contract:
Search for rational people to rule:,
Importance of social contract
- Alternative explanation to the origin of state
- Alternative explanation to why monarchs have absolute power
- Alternative to divine rights of kings
Thomas Hobbes – Leviathan -> Power is ___________
secular and religious
- Frontispiece: ____ is head of state and has authority over everything; body is composed of _________ ; _______ is dependent on the people; ___ decision-maker yields both secular and spiritual powers
King, people, power, one
- 2 swords -> there is nothing on earth to compare with him (_________); if state is weak, people will follow; _________ cannot be compared with anyone else kasi siya na yung pinakamakapangyarihan
about Leviathan
Human nature: beyond social contract
(Thomas Hobbes)
- Free
- Equal
- Independent
- Motivated by their passions
- Fears dying a violent death
- Rational
- Moving towards desires and do away with aversions
State of nature
- State of freedom
- State of equality
- State of independence
State of war
- One man against every other man
- State without common morality
- What are the causes of quarrel?
(State of war)
o Competition for gain
o For glory so that people don’t undervalue you
o Diffidence for safety
What will you do for social contract?
- One is willing to renounce one’s right I others are willing to give up theirs
- Keep one’s covenance fate -> fulfill your promises
State of war ≠ actual fighting
- Actual conflict + things before that (protecting yourself)
- Tendencies/attitudes toward others/ towards actual safety
- We give up our rights to govern ourselves in order for us to have ________
- People should be included in the social contract. By doing so we authorize them to govern us to ________
peace, avoid war
What is the Product of social contract
creation of state
Power of state (Who will rule next? Leviathan will decide)
- Inalienable – you cannot take it away from those in power because you already agreed that you gave it to him unless the Leviathan agrees to give it up.
- Indivisible – all powers are in one institution
- Infallible – cannot be wrong
- Absolute
Why the state?
For peace because we want to get away from state of war
- Where the law is silent, there is __________
Social contract -> state w/ _________ powers
John Locke -> if absolute yung power ng leader, nasa _________ ka pa rin
state of war
Human nature for John Locke
- Free
- Equal – political equality comes from reason (ability to interpret natural laws & make laws on your sin)
- Independent
- Natural rights to property
o Life
o Liberty
o Private property – everything we have in common + labor - Rational but partial to themselves
State of nature for locke
- State of freedom
- State of equality
- State of independence
- State of inconvenience – in the enjoyment of your property; no common interpreter of the law; no law, no interpreter of the law, no execute the law
- State of war “that who attempts to get another man into his absolute power does thereby put himself into a state of war with him.”