for a test 12, 13, and 5, 6 pathology Flashcards
the heart is located
mostly to the left of the midline of the sternum
the chambers of the heart include:
two lower larger chambers called the ventricles
the upper chambers are:
receiving chambers
the innermost layer of the heart is called the:
the outermost layer of the heart is called the:
epicardium, and visceral pericardium ( both a and c above….
the Pedicardium:
has an outer layer called the parietal pericardium
in the pumping action of the heart
atrial systole precedes ventricular systole
the first heart sound is the closing of the:
tricuspid and mitral valves
the superior vena cave carries:
Oxygen-poor blood to the right atrium
the pulmonary vein returns oxygen-rich blood to the:
left atrium
the right side of the heart:
deals with oxygen-poor blood
the heart is supplied with blood by:
arteries that branches directly from the aorta
the electrical connectors between heart muscles cells are called:
intercalated disks
the “pacemaker” for the heart is usually the:
sinoatrial node
the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are:
the blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart are the:
the outermost layer of an artery or vein is called the:
tunica adventitia
the innermost layer of an artery or vein is called the:
tunica intima and endothelium (both a and c above)
the layer of the arteries and veins that contains smooth muscles tissue is the:
tunica media
one-way valves are found in which blood vessels?
the last blood vessels of pulmonary circulation is the:
pulmonary vein
blood pressure is highest in the aorta and lowest in the:
supeior and inferior vena cava
as the viscosity level of blood:
increase, the blood pressure increases
which of the following assists in moving venous blood back to the heart?
contration of the skeletal muscles
one-way valves in teh veins
the changing pressure in the chest caused by breathing (all the above)
the volume of blood ejected from the ventricles during each beat is called
stroke volume
another name for a heart attack is a(n)
myocardial infarction
which of the following structures is not part of the lymphatic system?
lymph is formed by:
plasma leaving the capillary
pressure on the blood caused by the pumping action of the heart
both B and C above
the thoracic duct:
is the largest lymph vessels in the body
lymph nodes:
contain phagocytic cells
which tonsils are located on either side of the throat?
paletine tonsils
which tonsils are located near the posterior opening of the nasal cavity?
pharyngeal tonsils
the spleen:
help filter out bacteria
heat, one sign of inflammation, is caused by:
increased blood flow to the inflamed area
swelling, one sign of inflammation, is caused by:
increased vessel permeability
receiving a flu shot to help proctect you from getting the flu would be an example of:
artificail active immunity
the immunity that is passed from mother to fetus is an example of:
natural passive immunity
if you have had the measles, you cannot get them again. this is an example of:
natural active immunity
a person exposed to hepatitis is giving a shot of gamma globulin (an antibody against hepatitis) to keep him from coming down with disease. this is an example of:
artificial passive immunity
which of the following cells is not a phagocyte?
B cells:
have specific antibodies in their cell membranes
antigens cause immature B cells to:
become plasma cells
long-term immunity occurs when:
B cells form memory cells
T cells:
form plasma cells when activated
the main funtion of lacteal is:
to transport fats to the bloodstream
an important funtion of lymph nodes is:
defense and formation of white blood cells
both A and C above
which of the following is not part of the body’s nonspecific immunity?
what type of fluids is called lymph when it enters a lymph vessel?
intertitial fluid
which of the following are called adenoids when they become swollen?
pharyngeal tonsils
which of the following is not a role of complement in the immune system?
increase the permeability of blood vessels
attracting immune cells to the site of infection
marking foreign cells for destruction
all th above are roles of complement in the immune system
lymph nodes can be
the size of a pinhead
the size of a lima bean
both B and C above
the function of the immune system is to proctect the body from:
disease-causing bacteria
transplant foreign tissue
body cells that have become malignant or cancerous
all of the above
nonspecific immunity is often called
where are the red blood cells manufactured?
in red marrow
what shape is a healthy red blood cell?
a disk
what is another name for platelet?
what is a chemical that melts clots?
what chamber of the heart i responsible for pushing blood to the lung?
right ventricle
what is another name for the endothelial lining of blood vessels?
tunica interna
what is the best description of anemia?
low oxygen-carrying capacity
which of the following deficiencies may cause nutritional anemia?
where do most emboli from veins end up?
in the lung
arterial thrombi are often complications of what condition?
pulmonary embolism is usally a complication of what disorder?
venous thrombosis
a clot or piece of debris that travels on the arterial side of the systemic circuit will always end up where?
anywhere but the lungs
this generic disorder results in an insufficient supply of important clotting factors. what is it?
what is difference in bleeding patterns between people with hemophilia and others?
people with hemophilia bleed for a longer time than others
what is the most likely consequence of untreated hemophilia?
internal bleeding
cleaned and filtered lymph eventually….
rejoins the circulatory system as plasma
what are antibodies?
Y-shaped proteins that disable pathogens or other substances
in this condition the body launches an immune system attack against an antigen that is not inherntly dangerous. What is it?
an allergic reaction
most edema is due to what factors?
a combination of mechanical and chemical problems
which type of edema is safest for massage?
due to musculoskeletal injury
this condition is an infection of lymph capillaries. what is it?
this condition involves a cancer of white blood cells in lymph nodes. what is it?
what is a common nickname for mononucleosis?
the kissing disease
what medication is typically used to tread mild allergies?
an allergy is a sign of….
a hyperractive immune system
this condition involves a controlled increase in core temperature, usally in reponse to pathogenic invasion. What is it?
what structure regualtes body temperature?
the hypothalamus
what do the shivering and chills that accompany the early stages of fever accomplish?
they increase core temperature
what is the risk of bringing down a fever to quickly?
vasodilation and shock
what are the fluids that can spread HIV?
blood, breast milk, semen, vaginal secretions