Football / Soccer Flashcards
Un terrain de football
A football field / ground
Un joueur de football
A footballer / A football player
Le terrain
The field / ground / pitch.
Les crampons
La ligne médiane
The halfway line
La ligne de tocueh
The touch line
La barre transversale
The crossbar
Les arrières
The backs
Un avant-centre
A striker
To kick/To shoot
Un tir
A shot
Dribler -> Le drible
To dribble - Dribbling
Tacler - Un tacle
To tackle - A tackle
Un amorti (poitrine, pied)
A chest trap - A foot trap
Un carton jaune/rouge
A yellow/red card
Coup franc / penalty
A free kick - Penalty
Le coup d’envoi
The kick-off
les arrêts de jeu
Injury time
Un but - La cage
A goal - The goal
Le gardien de but
The goalkeeper
Marquer - Un buteur
To score - A scorer