football geman vocab Flashcards
football geman vocab
r Ball (Bälle)
e Bank
auf der Bank sitzen
sit on the bench
s Bein
bolzen (v.)
to kick the ball (around)
r Bolzplatz (-plätze)
amateur football/soccer field
r Bombenschuss
a difficult shot, usually from a long distance
e Bundesliga
German professional soccer league
r DFB (Deutscher Fußballbund)
German Football (Soccer) Federation
r Doppelpass
one-two pass, give and go pass
s Dribbling
e Drittkette/Dreierkette
e Viertkette/Viererkette
straight three-man backfield (free-kick defense)
four-man backfield defense
r Eckball
corner ball (kick)
e Ecke
corner (kick)
r Eckstoß
corner kick
r Einwurf
throw-in, toss
e Elf
the eleven (players), soccer team
r Elfmeter
penalty kick (from eleven meters)
e Endlinie endline
goal line
r Europameister
European champion
e Europameisterschaft
European championship
e Fahne (-n)
flag, banner
r Fallrückzieher
bicycle kick, scissors kick (Note: A Fallrückzieher is an acrobatic goal shot in which a player flips and kicks the ball backward over his own head.
to punch (the ball)
to parry (the ball)
s Feld
field, pitch
International Football (Soccer) Federation
e Flanke
cross, center (e.g., into the penalty area)
r Flugkopfball
r Kopfball, r Kopfstoß
diving header
header shot
r Freistoß
free kick
r Fußball
football, soccer; soccer ball
e Fußballmannschaft
football/soccer team
r Fußballschuh (-e)
soccer shoe
s Fußballstadion (-stadien)
soccer stadium
e Gäste (pl.)
s Heim
visiting team
home team
r Gegner (-)
opponent, opposing team
gelbe Karte
caution, yellow card (for foul)
gewinnen (v.)
to win
to lose
e Grätsche
sliding trip, straddle vault
grätschen (v.)
to straddle, tackle, trip (often a foul)
e Halbzeit
e Halbzeitpause
halftime break (15 minutes)
e Hälfte
erste Hälfte
zweite Hälfte
first half
second half
gut halten
to save (keeper)
to make a good save
s Heim
e Gäste (pl.)
home (team)
visiting team
e Heimmannschaft
home team
r Hexenkessel
an unfriendly stadium (“witch’s cauldron”), usually the opponent’s home stadium
e Hinrunde/s Hinspiel
e Rückrunde/s Rückspiel
first round/leg
second round/leg
r Hooligan (-s)
hooligan, rowdy
r Kaiser
“the emperor” (nickname for Franz Beckenbauer, Kaiser Franz)
r Kick
kick (soccer/football)
r Kicker
soccer player
r Konter
counterattack, counteroffensive
r Leitwolf
“lead wolf,” a player who inspires the team
r Libero