abductor hallucis ORIGIN
calcaneal tuberosity (medial process)
abductor hallucis INSERTION
1st toe (base of proximal phalanx via the medial seasmoid)
abductor hallucis INNERVATION
Medial Plantar N
Flexor digitorum brevis ORIGIN
calcaneal tuberosity (medial tubercle), plantar aponeurosis
Flexor digitorum brevis INSERTION
2-5TH TOES (sides of middle phalanges)
Flexor Digitorum Brevis (innervation)
Medial Plantar N
Abductor Digiti minimi ORIGIN
calcaneal tuberosity
(medial tubercle)
plantar aponeurosis
Abductor digiti minimi INSERTION
5th toe (base of proximal phalanx) 5th metatarsal (at tuberosity)
Abductor digiti minimi INNERVATION
lateral plantar N
abductor digiti minimi ACTION
flexes MTP joint of 5th toe
abducts 5th toe
supports longitudinal arch
flexor digiorum brevis ACTION
flexes MTP & PIP joint of 2-5th toes
supports longitudinal arch
abductor hallucis ACTION
1st MTP joint: flexion & abduction of 1st toe
supports longtiduinal arch
extensor digitorum brevis ORIGIN
calcaneus (dorsal surface)
extensor digitorum brevis INSERTION
2-4TH Toes (at dorsal aoneuroses and bases of middle phalanges)
extensor digitorum brevis INNERVATION
deep fibular N
extensor digitorum brevis ACTION
extension of MTP & PIP joints of 2-4th toes
extensor halucis brevis ORIGIN
calcaneus (dorsal surface)
extensor hallucis brevis INSERTION
1ST toe (at dorsal aponeurosis & proximal phalanx
extensor hallucis brevis INNERVATION
deep fibular N
Extensor hallucis brevis ACTION
extension of MTP joints of 1st toe
quadratus plantae ORIGIN
calcaneal tuberosity (medial & plantar border on plantar side)