abductor hallucis ORIGIN
calcaneal tuberosity (medial process)
abductor hallucis INSERTION
1st toe (base of proximal phalanx via the medial seasmoid)
abductor hallucis INNERVATION
Medial Plantar N
Flexor digitorum brevis ORIGIN
calcaneal tuberosity (medial tubercle), plantar aponeurosis
Flexor digitorum brevis INSERTION
2-5TH TOES (sides of middle phalanges)
Flexor Digitorum Brevis (innervation)
Medial Plantar N
Abductor Digiti minimi ORIGIN
calcaneal tuberosity
(medial tubercle)
plantar aponeurosis
Abductor digiti minimi INSERTION
5th toe (base of proximal phalanx) 5th metatarsal (at tuberosity)
Abductor digiti minimi INNERVATION
lateral plantar N
abductor digiti minimi ACTION
flexes MTP joint of 5th toe
abducts 5th toe
supports longitudinal arch
flexor digiorum brevis ACTION
flexes MTP & PIP joint of 2-5th toes
supports longitudinal arch
abductor hallucis ACTION
1st MTP joint: flexion & abduction of 1st toe
supports longtiduinal arch
extensor digitorum brevis ORIGIN
calcaneus (dorsal surface)
extensor digitorum brevis INSERTION
2-4TH Toes (at dorsal aoneuroses and bases of middle phalanges)
extensor digitorum brevis INNERVATION
deep fibular N
extensor digitorum brevis ACTION
extension of MTP & PIP joints of 2-4th toes
extensor halucis brevis ORIGIN
calcaneus (dorsal surface)
extensor hallucis brevis INSERTION
1ST toe (at dorsal aponeurosis & proximal phalanx
extensor hallucis brevis INNERVATION
deep fibular N
Extensor hallucis brevis ACTION
extension of MTP joints of 1st toe
quadratus plantae ORIGIN
calcaneal tuberosity (medial & plantar border on plantar side)
quadratus plantae INSERTION
flexor digitorum longus tendon (lateral border)
quadratus plantae INNERVATION
lateral plantar N
Lumbricals ORIGIN
flexor digitorum longus tendon (medial border)
Lumbricals INSERTION
2-5TH Toes (@ dorsal aponeurosis)
1st lumbrical INNERVATION
medial plantar N
2nd-4th lumbrical : INNERVATION
lateral plantar N
Flexor Hallucis brevis ORIGIN
lateral cuneiforms
plantar calcaneobuoid lig.
Flexor hallucis breivs INSERTION
1st toe (at base of proximal phalanx via medial and lateral seasmoids)
Flexor halucis brevis INNERVATION
medial head: medial plantar N(S1,S2)
lateral head:lateral plantar N (S1,S2)
adductor hallucis OBLIQUE HEAD ORIGIN
2-4th Metatarsals (@bases)
adductor hallucis TRANSVERSE Head ORIGIN
mTPs of 3rd -5th toes
deep transverse metatarsal lig.
Adductor hallucis INSERTION
1ST Proximal phalanx (at base, by a common tendon via the lateral seasmoid)
Adductor Hallucis INNERVATION
Lateral Plantar N deep branch (S2,S3)
flexor digiti minimi brevis ORIGIN
5th metatarsal (base) long plantar lig.
flexor digiti minimi brevis INSERTION
5th toe (base of proximal phalanx)
flexor digiti minimi brevis INNERVATION
lateral plantar N
superficial branch S2,S3
Opponens digiti minimi ORIGIN
long plantar lig. fibularis longus (at plantar tendon sheath)
Opponens digiti minimi INSERTION
5th metatarsal
Opponens digiti minimi INNERVATION
lateral plantar N
superficial branch S2,S3
Plantar interossei ORIGIN
3-5th metatarsal (medial border)
Plantar interoessei INSERTION
3-5th toes (medial base of proximal phalanx)
dorsal interossei ORIGIN
1st-5th metatarsal by 2 heads on opposing sides
1ST Dorsal interossei INSERTION
2ND PROXIMAL PHALANX (medial base)
2nd-4TH dorsal Interossei INSERTION
2-4 proximal phalanges (lateral base)
2-4th toes (at dorsal aponeurosis)
Plantar Interossei & Dorsal interossei INNERVATION
quadratus plantae ACTION
redirects and augments the pull of flexor digitorum longus
Flexes MTP joint of 2-5th toes
extension of IP joints of 2-5th toes
adduts 2-5th toes towards big toe
Flexor Hallucis Brevis ACTION
Flexes first MTP joint
supports longitudinal arch
Adductor Hallucis ACTION
flexes 1st MTP joint
adducts big toe
transverse head: supports transverse arch
oblique head: supports longitudinal arch
Flexor digiti minimi brevis ACTION
Flexes MTP joint of little toe
Opponens digiti minimi ACTION
Pulls 5th metatarsal in plantar and medial direction
Plantar Interossei ACTION
Flexes MTP joint of 3-5th toes
extension of IP joints of 3-5th toes
adducts 3-5 toes toward 2nd toe
Dorsal Interossei ACTION
Flexes MTP joints of 2-4th toes
extension of IP joints of 2-4 toes
abducts 3&4th toes from 2nd toe