Foot/Ankle/Tibia Flashcards
What is the most common long bone fracture?
What are the two types of tibia fractures?
How do they differ in …
mechanism of injury
fracture type
level of associated fibular fractures?
What are common complications of tibia fractures?
How do patients with tibia fx present?
1. Low energy
mechanism: torsion (knee in opposite direction of ankle - or fixed ankle
fracture: spiral
fibula fx: different level
2. High energy
mechanism: direct force
fracture: wedge
fibula fx: same level
compartment syndrome
open fractures and bone loss
soft tissue injury
inability to bear weight
Describe the following types of fractures that can occur in long bones
oblique/oblique displaced
Open/compound - innards are open to the world
comminuted - fucked
segmental - multiple fractures cause a segment separate from the rest of the bone
oblique - diagonal in one plane
spiral - torsional element, diagonal but multiple planes
avulsed - tendon or ligament is pulled and takes bony attachment with it (commonly periarticular)
greenstick - incomplete fracture typically in peds or immature bone like a new stick is hard to crack
What imaging should be ordered when assessing a tibial shaft fracture?
What special circumstances would require a CT?
AP and lateral or entire bone
AND knee/ankle
IF intra-articular extension is noted
(on X-ray - I think why X-ray of knee/ankle required)
What criteria should the patient meet to qualify for non-operative treatment of a tibial shaft fracture?
What parameters are used to determine alignment of a fracture?
What is the non-operative treatment of a tibial shaft fx?
1. Low energy injury
2. Acceptable alignment
<5 degree angulation
>50% cortical apposition (touching)
<1 cm shortening
<10 degree rotational malalignment
Long leg cast for 6-8 weeks
would not want a cast on a soft tissue injury or open fracture - could impede healing or cause infection
What indications would cause you to treat a tibial shaft fracture with external fixation?
What indications would lead to either intramedullary (IM) nailing or open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) to treat a tibial shaft fracture?
How would you choose between the latter two and what complications accompany them?
External Fixation
- damage control: temporary fix while you tend to more life threatening issues
- open fractures: non-op would not work here because cast would impede healing of soft tissue injuries
Intramedullary Nailing and ORIF
- unacceptable alignment
- soft tissue injury
- segmental or comminuted fractures
- multiple traumas
Choosing between IM nailing and ORIF
- often surgeons preference
ORIF risks
higher risk of non-union and infection
How many tibial fractures result in compartment syndrome?
Describe compartment syndrome again. C’mon do it, it’ll be fun.
What muscle perfusion pressure (deltaP) is considered critical? What the heck is muscle perfusion pressure?
What is the treatment of compartment syndrome?
2.7-15% of tibial fx result in compartment syndrome
Compartment syndrome - osseofascial pressure rises resulting in reduced perfusion and muscular necrosis
Muscle perfusion pressure (deltaP) <30mmHg is critical.
Muscle perfusion pressure is the difference between diastolic blood pressure and compartment pressure.
Surgical emergency - tx with emergent fasciotomy
What is a tibial plafond (pilon) fracture?
What mechanism of injury typically causes this?
Plafond fracture - distal tibia extending into ankle joint
Typically high energy/axial loading
examples: motor vehicle crash (MVC) or fall from height
articular impaction
metaphyseal comminution
extensive soft tissue damage
compartment syndrome
inability to bear weight
What are the 3 treatment options for a tibial plafond/pilon fracture?
In what scenario?
Risks and benefits?
- long leg cast (not if soft tissue injury)
- stable no skin problems
- concerns for malreduction/skin problems
Temporizing spanning External Fixation
- external pins in tibia, calcaneus, and first metatarsal holding in dorsiflexion
- soft tissue or skin concerns
- allows access to skin
- CT after fixation
- leave in placed for 10 to 14 days
- definitive fixation with periarticular plates and screws
- still risk of infection and wound slough
Ankle fractures account for what percentage of ankle injuries?
What is the age distribution of these patients?
What mechanisms of injury (MOI) can cause this?
Describe the Ottawa Ankle Rules and how this is used to determine if the pt is appropriate for X-ray.
15% of ankle injuries are fractures.
Bimodal distribution - basically young and dumb, and old and fragile
Usually inversion but can also be version
Ottawa Ankle rules
IF pain in malleolar region AND
one of the following: bony tenderness of the posterior edge of 1) medial OR 2) lateral malleolus OR 3) unable to bear weight immediately following AND in ER
Ottawa Foot rules
IF pain in midfoot AND
one of the following: bony tenderness at 1) the base of the fifth metatarsal OR 2) the navicular OR 3) unable to bear weight immediately AND in ER
What other imaging technique could be used prior to X-rays that increase specificity to 100% per SOFAR.
What radiographic studies should be ordered in every X-ray evaluating an ankle fracture?
What is a Maissoneuve type fracture? What special image should be ordered when concerned for this?
What should be ordered if concerned for syndesmotic injury? What findings are you looking for?
SOFAR (Sonographic Ottawa Foot and Ankle Rules)
US showing cortical disruption of the fibula is more specific
Always xray
Maissoneuve type - involving ligamentous disruption of the ankle AND proximal fibular fracture
Order full length tibia/fibula
Syndesmotic injury - involving the compound ligament between the tibia and fibula
Order external rotation stress
clear space between tibia and fibula should be <5 mm
When treating ankle fractures who is eligible for non-operative treatment?
Who will recieve surgical treatment? What is it? What warnings need to accompany this surgery?
- nondisplaced medial malleolar fx
- lateral malleolar fx <3mm displaced
- not surgical candidate
- displaced
- bimalleolar
- open fx
ORIF warnings:
up to 2 years to completely recover
no driving until 6 weeks after weight bearing
What other bones does the talus articulate with?
Describe the 3 arteries that supply the talus. Why is the dome prone to avascular necrosis?
What mechanisms typically cause talar neck fractures?
Articulates with:
- *tibia/fibula** at the ankle joint
- *calcaneus** at the subtalar joint
Arterial supply:
- *Posterior tibial** (deltoid) *
- *Anterior** tibial
- *Peroneal** artery
Prone to necrosis due to water shed area between the anterior and posterior tibial vascular supply.
high energy
forced dorsiflexion with an axial load
What images are ordered when assessing talar neck fractures?
What classification system is used to assess risk of avascular necrosis?
AP/lateral/”Canale” view (15degree eversion of the foot with a 75degree ankle of X-ray)
CT- more common in these to assess for displacement
Hawkins Classification
I - nondisplaced - 0 to 13% risk AVN
II - subtalar dislocation - 20 to 50% risk AVN
III - subtalar and tibiotalar dislocation - 20 to 50% risk AVN
IV - subtalar, tibiotalar, and talonavicular dislocation - 70-100% risk AVN
What is the treatment plan for non-displaced talar neck fractures?
What is the treatment plan for displaced talar neck fractures?
What positive radiographic finding is indicative that avascular necrosis of the talar dome has been avoided? Explain.
Non-displaced fractures
non-operative treatment with short leg cast for 8-12 weeks
non-weight bearing for 6 weeks
Displaced fractures
emergent reduction in ER
Avascular necrosis:
- Positive Hawkins sign means intact vasculature
- subchondral lucency at 6 weeks
- shows that the bone is alive, although this seems counterintuitive - pt has been off feet for 6 weeks so likely some diminishing - if bright and dense that would be alarming
What anatomical structures are important when considering calcaneus fractures?
What mechanisms typically cause this injury?
What imaging should be ordered and what radiographic finding should be assessed?
What is the treatment?
Why is the complication rate high with these injuries?
posterior, middle, and anterior facets (articulate with talus)
sinus tarsi
sustentaculum tali
high energy
axial load
MVC or fall from height
Intra articular fractures
AP/lateral/oblique radiographs
Bohler angle (formed by anterior/middle/and posterior facets) should be 20-40degrees
wait 10-14 days for swelling to subside
skin is often involved