Foot/Ankle Mechanics Flashcards
What part of the foot is this?
What part of the foot is this?
What part of the foot is this?
What condition is important differentiate from tibialis posterior tendinitis?
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Due to the amount of articular cartilage in the talus what condition is common in it?
Osteochondritis dissecans
What are of the foot should be palpated to check for anterior talofibular ligament problems?
Sinus tarsus
What kind of fracture can be confused with an ankle sprain?
A Lisfrank fracture.
Tenderness to the medial tuberosity of the foot may indicate what?
Tibialis posterior involvement.
What are these?
These are rays
What are the most common fractures of the 5th metatarsal?
Jones and avulsion (peroneus brevis attachment at the base)
What are the 3 collateral ligaments of the ankle?
Anterior talofibuilar ligaments
Posterior talofibular ligament
Calcaneofibular ligament
If a patient exhibits hallux valgus, what might be the calcaneus position in non-whight bearing?
Abduction, dorsiflexion and eversion.
Which joint receives the Chopart joint?
Talo-navicular joint
Which ligament is called the spring ligament?
Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
Which ligament should you worry about in people with plantar fasciitis?
The spring ligament
Talar head position, supra and infra lateral malleolar curvature, and calcaneal frontal plane position correspond to which portion of the foot on the FPI-6?
Prominence in the region of the talonavicular joint, height and congruence of the medial longitudinal arch, and abduction/adduction of the forefoot on the rearfoot correspond to which portion of the foot on the FPI-6?
Which item of the FPI-6 does this maneuver relate to?
Talar head palpation
Which item of the FPI-6 does this correspond to?
Supra and infra lateral malleolar curvature
Which item of the FPI-6 does this correspond to?
Calcaneal frontal plane position
Which item of the FPI-6 does this correspond to?
Prominence in the region of the talonavicular joint
Which item of the FPI-6 does this correspond to?
Medial longitudinal arch congruence
Which item of the FPI-6 does this correspond to?
Adduction/Abduction of the forefoot on the rearfoot
Ottawa Ankle Rules
In regards to tenderness what areas should be checked?
Medial and lateral malleoli
Over the 5th metatarsal
Ankle anterior drawer tests what ligaments?
Anterior talofibular ligament
What ligament does the talar tilt test?
Calcaneofibular ligament
What is the deltoid ligament of the foot composed of?
Anterior-posterior tibiotalar
What is the common mechanism of injury for a tibio-fibular syndesmosis injury?
Forced dorsiflexion with external rotation
What is the best test to asses for a Syndesmosis injury?
Kleiger’s test
(Also called dorsiflexion and external rotation test)
What are the 4 items of the ankle manual therapy prediction tule by Whitman et al?
A navicular drop of five or more millimeters
Symptoms being worse with standing
symptoms worse in the evening
Hypomobility of the distal tibiofibular joint
What is this test assessing?
Knee extension adduction adduction and abduction.
What is this test assessing?
Knee flexion