Foot+Ankle Flashcards
Medial maleolus
Half lying
Laterally rotate leg
Lateral maleollus
Half lying
Medially rotate leg
Navicular tuberosity
Sitting edge of plinth foot on stool
Medial maleolus 1cm down and forward
5th metatarsal
Sitting edge of plinth foot on stool
Slide finger laterally
Head of talus
Sitting edge of plinth foot on stool
Lower end of tibia down and medial
Invert foot
Head of 1st metatarsal
Half lying
Curl toes- palpate dorsal and plantar aspect
Talocrural joint line
Half lying
Tip of medial maleolus to lateral maleolus
Passively move models foot - mortise shape
Talocalcaneonavicular joint line
Sitting edge of plinth foot on stool
Medial joint line = Navicular tuberosity head of talus (convex)
Lateral joint line= Base 5th metatarsal then find joint line of cuboid and calcaneous go back to talus (concave)
Metatarsalphalangeal joint line
Half lying
1st metatarsal move great toe dorsal and plantar
lnterphalangeal joint line
Skin crease big toe