Foodservice engineering (general) Flashcards
What does the menu dictate?
- operation organization
- goal meeting
- building design/construction
What are the steps in menu design?
- define the purpose
- mission statement
- primary clientele
- secondary - define the means
- business type
- labour organization
- available equipment - define limitations
- supply policies
- physical accessibility
- visibility/reputation
What information should you gather to determine:
- population socio-demographics
- level of captivity
- competition
- people’s needs and wants
- geographical situation (suburban, rural, urban)
- transportation/commute (highway, boulevard, middle of nowhere)
- accessibility (easy to find/get to/visibility
What are some physical specificities to consider to determine:
-physical limitations
-equipment available for prep and service
- building architechture, history
- kitchen layout, available equipment
- service area lighting, furniture, history, architecture
How does knowing the type of institution help determine?
- mission statement
- population socio demographics/characteristics (patients and employees)
- labour organization (foodservice, others)
What should be considered when looking at the who (clientele)?
- age group
(children to older adults) - gender (female/male spectrum)
- socio-demographics (income, education, ethnicity, religion, culture)
- health concerns (food policies organic, food allergies, nutrient strategies (sodium, protein, etc)
individual issues (specific diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, disorders like swallowing?
This determines what needs to be done and what is expected from foodservice.
What are the 3 key components to information gathering?
- where food service is located
- who is being served
- how food is prepared and served
Where food service is located
- geographical situation (suburban, rural, urban)
- transportation/commute (highway, boulevard, middle of nowhere)
- accessibility (easy to find/get to/visibility-building architechture, history
- kitchen layout, available equipment
- service area lighting, furniture, history, architecture
This helps to determine: -population socio-demographics -level of captivity -competition -people's needs and wants -physical limitations -equipment available for prep and service accessibility?
Who is being served encompasses what components?
type of establishment determines
-mission statement
-population socio demographics/characteristics (patients and employees)
-labour organization (foodservice, others)
1. age group
(children to older adults)
2. gender (female/male spectrum)
3. socio-demographics (income, education, ethnicity, religion, culture)
4. health concerns (food policies organic, food allergies, nutrient strategies (sodium, protein, etc)
individual issues (specific diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, disorders like swallowing?
This determines what needs to be done and what is expected from foodservice.
How food is prepared and served consists of…
- staffing profile
- labour type (training and qualifications)
- labour organization (union or not)
- labour relations with management
- labour-labour relations
This determines:
what can be done and how to communicate expectations
- staff-customer relations
- room service? no contact
- self service: little to no contact
- cafeteria: some contact
- table service: personal contact
this helps determine how to brief staff, communicating expectations and foodservice reputation
What are the key order information?
- define purpose
- type of institution
- mission statement
- primary clientele and secondary (sociodemographics, pertinent characteristics) - define means
-business type (profit, profit sharing, co op, non for profit
-identify labour organization
-equipment available and production modes: 4 types (conventional/traditions = kitchen on location, food served when prepared, labour intensive but very flexible)
(cook-chill = kitchen on location, food prepared, cooled, portioned cold, reheated then served, less labour intensive but less flexible)
(commissary= similar to cook-chill, one central kitchen serves many units)
(assembly/serve= no kitchen on location, food items arrive ready to use, assembled on location) - define limitations
- supply policies (buying contracts, food policies)
- physical/accessibility limitations
- visibility/reputation
What does “captivity” of the clientele refer to?
less captive to more captive continuum
very mobile clientele: easily come and go= quick service (limited choice menu, same choice daily, little flexibility)
less mobile: come in and sit down= fast casual/family restaurant (more elaborate menu, more choice and variety but same more less daily, flexibility to honour requests)
onsite foodservice: industry, hospital, school= mix of limited menu and 2-3weeks menu cycle 3 choices per meal, no item repeat within cycle, 2 a day offered breakfast and lunch if dinner, lunch repeat, some flexibility to requests, verify menu content regularly
long-term care institution/prison: long menu cycle 4 weeks, 3 meals a day with snacks, 1-2 choice per meal item which is therapeutic and varies from one meal to another, repetitions in a cycle, flexible to requests
What are the 5 steps to developing a menu/menu planning?
- decide length of menu cycle
- select meal items starting with most expensive to least
- main dishes (
- include one or more vegetable that blends well (colour, texture, flavour, texture) use in main dish, soup, salad, crudité or sandwhich
- decide on kind of potatoes or substitute to be served with each main course - choose fruits (at least 2 per day, citrus at breakfast or appetizer, salad/dessert
- decide on salad
- appetizer soup or other (blends well, light soup+heavy meal or vice versa, check meat flavour with vegetable combo or repetitions)
- decide on bread choice (give variety and whole grain whenever possible)
- balance dessert with rest of meal (fruit based and milk based desserts are represented, fresh fruit often available
- decide on garnishes and relish to compliment
- add tea, coffee, milk to choice of fat content to every meal
What are methods for menu evaluation? (2)
method A: develop using menu planning steps or use it to evaluate a menu
method B: consider the food (combinations to portion size), purchasing (availability, cost to equipment), production, distribution, the clientele (turnover rate, nutrition and preferences)
What is the general process of menu evaluation? 1 day menu
- take a one day menu (arbitrary or chosen by client)
- evaluate using method a or b
- consider possible selections for clients
- evaluate other aspets from whole menu, cycle, productions, etc.
How can you evaluate a menu (a few days, week or whole menu cycle?)
- use menu planning steps as a guide
- evaluate production and distribution on daily/weekly basis
- evaluate characteristics related to clientele
- remember to compare end of cycle to beginning of cycle
How can you evaluate several menu types (regular vs. therapeutic)
- evaluate regular menu first as a base
- discuss other menus
- consider integrations of menus in production/distribution
What is the use of menus?
strategic marketing plan!