Food Time Flashcards
Kei te kai heihei tātou?
Are we having chicken?
E kainga ana ngā rīwai e te pēpi.
(Passive sentence)
The potatoes are being eaten by the baby.
Kainga tāu āporo!
Eat your apple!
He kai pai te kūmara.
(Classifying sentence)
Kumera is good food
Kua rongo rātou i te kai.
(Active sentence)
They (3/+) have tasted the food.
Kua rangona e koe tērā harurutanga?
(Passive sentence)
Did you hear that resounding sound?
Tino reka te mīti!
The meat is yummy!
Kua whakarekatia te inu.
(Passive sentence)
The drink has been sweetened.
whakareka(tia) means to sweeten
He reka ake tāku aihikirimi i tāu.
(Classifying sentence)
My icecream is yummier than yours.
Inumia te wai!
(Command in simple passive form)
Drink the water!
Wai = water
He aha tēnei momo kai?
What type of food is this?
He hanawiti reka tēnā.
(Classifying sentence) That sandwich (you have/by you) is delicious.
Ringihia mai te wai ki tāku kapu.
(Command in simple passive form)
Pour the water into my cup.
Kei hea tāna pereti?
Where is his plate?
Me noho koe ki te tēpu i a koe e kai ana.
You should sit at the table while you are eating.
E noho ki runga i tōu tūru ka kai ai.
Sit on your chair and eat.
Kia ora māmā mō te kai pai nei.
Thanks mum for this good food.
He hua reka tēnei.
(Classifying sentence)
This is a delicious egg.
Kia toru ngā momo huarākau.
[Choose] three pieces of fruit.
Ko te panana tāku tūmomo huarākau pai rawa.
(Equative sentence)
Banana is my favourite type of fruit.
Ko te kūmara tāku tūmomo huawhenua pai rawa.
(Equative sentence)
Kumara is my favourite type of vegetable.