Food technology - Everything. Flashcards
What are pathogens?
Pathogens are small bacteria in foods that can cause illness/ diseases: bacteria, fungi, mould, yeast and viruses.
What are food-borne illnesses?
illnesses caused by bacteria or viruses in food: salmonella, campylobacter, listeria, e. coli and staphylococcus
What is food poisoning?
The result of eating contaminated, spoiled or toxic food: raw cooked meat, adding dangerous chemicals during mass production and manufacturing, spoilt milk, raw eggs and seafood.
What is the temperature danger zone?
100C - Bacteria dies: spores + toxins will survive
74C - minimum temperature when reheating
5C - 60C - danger zone: bacteria multiply quickly
0 - 4C - fridge - bacteria multiplies slowly but does not die (dormant)
-18C - Freezer, most bacteria will survive but not grow
What are the ideal conditions that lead to pathogens growing and multiplying and contaminating food?
Pathogens need the right conditions in order to multiply. These are things such as: Oxygen, right temperature, nutrients, right pH, Enough time and moisture.
List 5 safety factors you should take into account when working in the kitchen. What foods need special care? How should you store or handle them?
Using oven mitts correctly
Putting down the oven door all the way down
Do not wear clothes that are dangly and could catch flame
Use knives that are appropriate for the food that is being cut
Call out when you are holding and walking with something hot.
Give three reasons why you should wash fruits and vegetables before preparing or eating them?
To get rid of bacteria
Can make you ingest harmful bacteria
Ensures the food is clean
Are all microorganisms harmful? Name 3 useful microorganisms in food.
No, not all microorganisms are harmful.
Yoghourt, Cheese and Pickles
What are perishable foods, where would we store them?
Perishable foods are foods that can become unsafe or spoil quickly if not refrigerated or frozen.
What is the danger zone?
The danger zone is the temperatures at which bacteria grow rapidly the most. The temperature is between 5°C - 63° C.
What is food spoilage, give an example
Food spoilage is when food becomes spoiled or dangerous for human consumption to eat such as bread.
Name 4 key components (steps) of the design process
What is a design brief?
To start the design process you need the Design brief. The design brief provides the necessary information that you must consider before starting the design process to design your product. It outlines the specific needs and wants of a client. It is important to read through the design brief a number of times to understand the information you need.
Explain the purpose of a work plan.
A work plan helps keep track of the order of tasks you need to do when preparing a meal. They are ordered in chronological order. It shows the safety measures that you will need to be cautious of.
What is Mis-en-Place, how does it benefit us when preparing to cook?
It means having all your ingredients measured, cut, peeled, sliced, grated, etc. before you start cooking. Pans are prepared. Mixing bowls, tools and equipment set out beforehand. It benefits us as it helps assemble meals quickly and efficiently.
List the 5 senses
Smell Taste Touch See Hear