Menu mix
indicator in menu engineering; detailed record of customer preference from the menu selection
Marie Antoine Careme
- progression of courses in a dinner, plus the wines to accompany them
- perfected consomme
- developed Four French Mother sauces! (veloute, bechamel, espagnole, sauce tomat)
- trained many chefs
George Auguste Escoffier
- classical organization of workers in the kitchen
- articles and cookbooks; invented Melba Toast
- added the 5th mother sauce (hollandaise)
- rules in quantity food production (Ritz hotel)
all tasks carried out by a person
Job analysis
study of all aspects of a job, the work to be done
- foundation of HRM process
- process of identifying the job needed, the duties and responsibilities attached to a job or position, requires knowledge, abilities, and skills of a worker and the working conditions necessary
heart of the food industry
Work flow
sequence of operations in the processing of simultaneous motions
group of related work centers wherein only one type of production occurs
joining together of sections
Ideal temperature of DRY store room
max of 38 C ( should be 10-24 C)
Job description
objective facts that explain what the job is, what the specific duties and responsibilities are, and what general conditions and factors involved
written profile of the job, explains what a job is in terms of duties, skills, and responsibilities required in a specific job
Job specification
a statement of human qualifications necessary to do the job; qualifications
PD 851
13th month pay
RA 602/ PD 1389
minimum wage law/ right to statutory mini wage
Job evaluation
measurement of a job’s worth and importance RELATIVE to other jobs in the organization for the purpose of determining wage and salary differentials