Food Science Flashcards
aeratorIncorporated air chemically or mechanically in various food products
the nutrient-rich embryo that will sprout and grow into a new plant
chemically that actually belongs to the alcohol family. Forms cell membranes, hormones, and vitamin D
Found in ice cream and pudding because it is an alginate
Provides air flow across doorways to reduce refrigerated air losses and controls pests
air curtain
Refers to the color, flavor, texture, and nutritional value of a food
food quality
Refers to the possibility that an illness or injury may be caused by consuming a food
food safety
Contaminants include bacterial, fungal. viral, and parastic organisms and/or their toxins
Bacteria that lead to food-borne illnesses. A few of the common bacteria in this class are: E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Clostridium, botulinum, and Staphylococcus aureus
The hard outer covering the wheat kernel, high in fiber and nutrients
The biggest part (83%), the “insides” of the kernel- mostly starch
Made from the endosperm only. NOT a whole grain
White Flour
Combines all 3 parts of the wheat berry
Whole wheat flour
Outer covering of egg, composed mainly of calcium carbonate. May be white or brown depending on breed of chicken
Pocket of air usually found at large end of the egg between shell membranes. Caused by contraction of contents while egg cools after laying
Air cell
Twisted, cord-like strands of egg white. Anchor yolk in center of thick
Yellow portion of egg. Color varies with feed of the hen; does not indicate nutritional content
Ration of the density of a substance compare to pure water
Specific gravity
Chemical process of decomposition involving splitting of a bond and addition of the elements of water
Ability to breakdown protein
Proteolytic bacteria
Ability to breakdown fat
Lipolytic bacteria
An organism that thrives at relatively high temperature, between 45 and 80 C
A microorganism that grows best in moderate temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. Used in cheese, yogurt, beer
Roof of the mouth
Taste Buds on the back of the tongue
Taste buds on the sides of the tongue
Taste buds on the tip of the tongue
A fat that is solid at room temperature and found in animal fats, lards, and dairy products
Saturated Fat
A fat that is liquid at room temperature and found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds
Unsaturated Fat
The process of converting unsaturated fats to saturated fats by adding hydrogen
A process control system designed to identify and prevent microbial and other hazards in food production food safety
Amount of calories per gram supplied by fat
Amount of calories per gram supplied by protein
Egg white changes from a clear liquid to an opaque white solid upon heating due
Protein denaturation
The process of thawing frozen products
Temperature water boils at sea-level
212 F
A complex carbohydrate found in potatoes, rice, corn, and many other vegetables
The science of evaluating a food products for smell, appearance, taste and texture
Sensory Evaluation
An eating establishment that does not have table service
Fast Food Restaurant
What major food companies will launch when marking a new food product nationally to the public
Product Rollout
Yields principally water and carbon dioxide, when vegetables are stored
Food that can be stored at room temperature for a prolonged or indefinite time period with minimal quality deterioration
Shelf stable
Ingredient that imparts a unique color and flavor to cured meat products. Bacon
Sodium Nitrite
Chemically leavened agent in dough
Baking Powder
Milk process that is intended to break down fat globules so they are smaller and more uniform
Responsible for the bright cherry red color of ground beef
Has a pH 5.3 or lower
Low Acid Food
Make up protein
Amino Acids
Used to determine the amount of free water available for microorganisms to grow in food product
Water Activity
The process when solid become gas with first going through a liquid state (Dry Ice)
pH of lemon juice
Sucrose or table sugar
Simple Carbohydrate
Complex protein molecule that stimulates or speeds up a specific chemical reaction without being used up itself
System for monitoring food production for compliance with health, safety and product standards
Quality Assurance
Fragments of lipids and other components that are formed in lipid-containing foods that undergo irradiation are called
Radiolytic Products
Molecule of glycerol and three fatty acids
During the freezing process, can damage cell walls leading to changes in product texture and quality
Ice crystals
Oil and water separate when mixed together due to the portions of fatty acid in oil
Not a part of a chain, but is privately owned and operated a mom- and -pop store
Retail outlet
An extruder is a piece of equipment used to form this
First person to develop frozen foods on a commercial basis
Clarence Birdseye
1960s revolutionized the retail marketing of meat
Boxed meat
Plant employee that wears street shoes in a food manufacturing facility is not following this. Evaluates the design of food processing plants. ex: filtering air
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Carbonation of soft drinks is achieved by adding this
Carbon Dioxide
The use of food additives in the US Food products is regulated by. Also register or approves the use of pesticide tolerance levels for pesticide in food
Microbes that prefer cold temperatures
An ingredient statement for a food product states that the food contains “flour, starch, salt flavoring, MSG and BHT.” MSG is considered to be this.
Flavor enhancer
Oil is heated and reaches temperature when small free fatty acids are volatilized
Smoke point
To produce sauerkraut, cabbage undergoes this process
A food additive that retards rancidity of unsaturated oils and prevents browning in fruits and vegetables that occurs during exposure to oxygen
Causes rancidity
Slow lipid oxidation
Are only acquired through dietary intake
Essential amino acids
The length of time required at a specific temperature to destroy 90% of a pathogen
In the number of degrees Fahrenheit required for a specific thermal death time curve to pass through one log cycle or achieve 90% destruction
Amount of DNA
Canning food products is a method of this
The Daily Value is based on this calorie diet
Cannot be claimed on a food label. Calorie free, low calorie, sugar free, can be
Low sugar
Amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water one degree centigrade
Supplies 4Kcal per gram found in fruits
Required for the production of antibodies
Type of food preserved in part by bacteria
Cannot be digested, absorbed but looks, feels, and behaves like fat
Degrees Fahrenheit the internal temperature of a hot dish needs to be served at
Natural produced chemical produced by plants. A substance that can cause extreme illness or death
Man made chemical
Places in the food processing system where the lack of proper control can result in a safety risk for the consumer
Critical control points
Bacteria that can contaminate poultry products and cause food borne illness in humans
List contains substances such as spices, natural seasoning, and flavoring, that are considered safe for human consumption and not regulated as additives
Splitting of hydrogen
Heating transfers heat by direct contact of the heating molecules to those at a lower energy level
Air currents aid in distributing heat throughout
First step in vinegar from apples; sugar from the fruit is converted to this in presence of yeast
Ethyl alcohol
The prices of adding micronutrients to foodstuffs
Are a group of organic compounds, many naturally-occurring. Ex: heme, the pigment in red blood cells
Yellow pigments from the carotene group. Gives yellow color to egg yolk
Freezing and chilling with the use of liquid nitrogen
Process of preserving food through a combination of partial drying and freezing
Popularly referred to as savoriness, is one of the five basic tastes
Ex: Vegetable Oil
Trans fat
Type of acid found n vinegar
The browning of sugar, a process used extensively in cooking for the resulting nutty flavor and brown color
Forming by the sharing of electrons
Covalent bond
Functions in carbohydrate metabolism