Food preservation and storage Flashcards
What are optimum conditions for bacterial growth?
Warmth - Danger zone 5 to 63 oC, specifically 37 oC which is body temperature. Moisture, Food, time, protein
Name 3 ways of preserving
Salt, Vinegar, canning, drying, pasteurising, freezing, chilling, adding sugar
How does canning work?
The sealed can is heated to kill bacteria. When it cools, no more bacteria can enter
What are cook chill meals?
Ready made meals that just need reheating.The food is kept at a low temperature (4°C) so bacteria cannot reproduce (they’re not killed)
What is the name of the bacteria that causes food poisoning?
Pathogenic bacteria
What is the danger zone?
Temperatures at which bacteria multiply quickly - between 5 oC and 63 oC
What happens to bacteria between 0 oC and 5 oC?
Dairy produce, cooked foods and raw ingredients should be kept at a temperature between 0°C and 5°C. This will slow the growth of microorganisms, but won’t stop it.
What happens to bacteria at -18 oC
the temperature a freezer should be
They lie dormant, they do not die but cannot reproduce
To what temperature must food be reheated to above?
Food must be reheated to at least 72°C to avoid the risk of food poisoning. Leftovers should be disposed of quickly.
What is used to check the temperature of foods?
Temperature probe
How is a temperature probe used?
Sterilise / clean with antibacterial wipe
Make sure sterile before and after use
Check reading before start (ideally room temp)
Place into centre of food / core temperature
Do not touch container/baking tin with probe
Keep in place for 2 minutes
Check temp is 72oC or over
Remove from food /take the reading when it is stable/after 2 minutes
If not at correct temperature continue cooking food and re-apply later.
What are symptoms of food poisoning?
Vomiting, fever, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps
What can acids regulate?
The growth of bacteria on foods
What can acids such as lemon juice do to cut fruit
Prevent or slow down enzymic browning
Salmonella is one of the biggest culprits of food poisoning, where can this be contracted
raw meat, poultry, seafood
Who is most at risk of food poisoning?
Elderly, the very young, low immunity, those with an illness
what is the optimum temperature for bacteria reproduction?
37 oC body temperature