food hygine Flashcards
Cleaning the kitchen is important to keep food safe and prevent bacteria from spreading. Clean as you go’ means people make sure that they clean the area and utensils they have been working in or with, as they prepare food.
This avoids build up of mess and leads to better hygienic conditions.
cleaning worktops
always wash worktops before food preparation begins;
wipe up any spilt food straight away;
always sanitize worktops thoroughly after they have been touched by raw meat, including poultry or raw eggs.
do not put ready to eat food, such as bread, salad or fruit on a worktop or chopping board that has been touched by raw meat, unless it has been washed thoroughly first.
cleaning (areas which need particular attention)
surfaces that come into contact with food, e.g. chopping boards, utensils;
surfaces that come into contact with hands, e.g. cupboard and fridge doors.
chopping boards
Red - Raw Meat. Blue - Raw Fish. Yellow - Cooked Meat. Brown - Vegetables. Green - Salads & Fruit. White - Bakery & Dairy.
personal hygiene
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water and dry them thoroughly at each of these times: before starting to prepare food after touching raw meat, including poultry after touching raw egg after going to the toilet after touching the bin after touching pets after touching face or hair
Hot food must be served piping hot, that is above 63ºC.
Bacteria will begin to die when the temperature rises
above 60ºC.
Some foods change colour when they are cooked.
Cooking food thoroughly to a minimum core temperature of 75°C will ensure most bacteria is destroyed.
cooking meat
When cooking burgers, sausages, portions of pork and chicken, there should be no pink meat they should also be steaming hot inside. The juices should run clear when cooked.
rare meat
Some foods should not be rare, because bacteria can be all the way through them.
If the meat is not cooked thoroughly, any bacteria may not be killed.
The following meats should not be eaten rare:
burgers, sausages, chicken nuggets
rolled joints
cooking leftovers
Leftovers should be cooled as quickly as possible within two hours and then stored in the fridge below 5ºC. Separating the food into smaller containers can help.
When leftovers are reheated they need to be steaming hot. If using a digital probe food should be reheated to a minimum of 75°C . In Scotland food must be reheated to a core temperature of 82°C.
Leftovers should not be reheated more than once and should be used within 48 hours from when it was made (24 hours for rice dishes).
The bacteria that cause food to deteriorate and lead to food poisoning rapidly reproduce around the temperature of 37ºC (body temperature). This is known as the ‘optimum temperature’ for bacterial multiplication.
The temperature between 5ºC– 63ºC is known as the ‘danger-zone’. Bacterial will multiply most rapidly within this temperature range.
Reducing the temperature below 5ºC slows the reproduction of micro – organisms.
chilling -the freezer
Ensure the freezer is working at a temperature below -18 ºC.
Do not place hot foods in the freezer or leave the door open for extended periods.
Do not overload the freezer. Cold air needs to circulate around the food. Never refreeze defrosted food, as this increases the growth of bacteria.
cross contamination
The process by which bacteria are transferred from one area to another.
The main carriers of bacteria and causes of cross contamination are: humans; rubbish; pets and other animals; food, e.g. raw meat or poultry.
how to prevent cross contamination
Keep raw meat separate from ready – to eat food.
Do not let raw meat drip onto other food – keep it in sealed containers at the bottom of the fridge.
Never use the same chopping board for raw meat and ready-to-eat food without washing the board (and knife) thoroughly in between. Ideally use a red board to prevent the risk of bacterial cross contamination.
Do not wash meat before cooking it, this will not remove harmful bacteria and may spread bacteria to work surfaces and utensils.