Food Handling mgmt course Flashcards
Definition of Foodborne illness
Illiness carried or transmitted to people by food.
Definition of Foodborne illness outbreak
An incident in which two or more people exiperence the same illness after eating the same food.
What group people are at risk for foodborne illnesses?
- Young children
- Pregnant women
- Elderly
- Indvidual taking certain medications
- Individuals with weaken immune system
What is the number 1 risk factor of foodborne illness?
Food held improper temperature.
What are the CDC foodborne illness risk factors?
- Foods held at improper temperature
- Inadequately cooked food
- Contaminated food equipment
- Food supplied from unapproved/unsafe source
- Poor personal hygiene.
What are the keys to food safety?
- Control tempature and time
- Prevent cross-contamination
- Practice good hygiene
What are the hazards assoicated with foodborne illness?
- Biological
- Chemical
- Physical
What does the federal regualtory system state for foodhandling?
Recommended guidance to assist states in developing food safety regulations
Who can train food employes in food handling?
The PIC (person in charge) as long as their certficate is valid.
When is recertification requred for the PIC?
- It is based off the certifying organization
- Usually 5 years
How much time is required to train Food employees initally, and annually?
4 hours for both.
What are the types of mircoorganisms?
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Parasites
- Fungi
What microorganism cannot be destroyed?
Bacteria specifically spore forming bacteria.
What foods is type 2 bacillus cereus found in?
Grains, rice, cererals, pastas.
What bacteria is found specifically in home canned foods?
Clostridum Botulinum
What is the temperature range that foodborne microorganisms grow the best at?
41 F to 135 F
What are the four phases of bacteria growth curve?
Lag, Log, Satitionary, and Decline
What is the most dangerous phase of the bacteria growth curve?
Log phase
They appear good, taste good and smell good, but they’re not.
What are are the primary spoilants?
Fungus and Yeast
What are the steps for washing your hands?
- Thoroughly wet hands
- Soap hands and bring lather, scrub for 20 seconds.
- Rinse hands thoroughly
- Dry hands with disposables towel and turn off water.
What methods can you use to touch ready-to-eat foods?
- Gloves
- Tongs
- Forks
- Spoons
Can you wear jewelry when you prep food?
No, unless it’s plain wedding band with no stone.
Who approves food sources?
- Army Vet services
What foods can you accept at temperature is 41 F or lower?
- Beef
- Pork
- Poultry
- Fresh food
- Shellfish
- Crustaceans
- Dairy
What are temperature can you accept eggs?
45 F
Accept Dairy products if they…
- Are tempature of 41 F of lower.
- Grade A and pasteurized
What are you inspecting for in froozen food?
- Ensure there are no ice crystals
- Ensure it is not wet
- Ensure the product is not discolored
Where shall the themormeter be placed inside the refrigerator?
inside the warmnest location of the unit
FIFO meaning
First in First Out
Does cooking destory spore foming bacteria, toxins, or chemical hazards?
min cooking temperature of fruits or vegetable
135 F
min cooking temperature of shell eggs
145 F for 15 seconds
min cooking temperature of compercially processed RTE foods held hot
135 F for 15 seconds
min cooking temperature of steak
145 F for 15 seconds
min cooking temperature of roasts
145 F for 4 mins
min cooking temperature of poultry
165 for 15 seconds
min cooking temperature of injected meats
155 for 15 seconds
min cooking temperature of reheating TCS foods
165 F for 15 seconds
How must TCS be cooked in a microwave?
- Must be cooked up to 165 F
- wait 2 mins
- Take temp again ( 165 F)
Steps for cooling TCS
Should take 6 hours
* Temp should be reduce to 135-70 in first 2 hours
* 70-41 within the last 4 hours
What are the approved methods of thawing?
- Thaw in refrigerator
- Cold running water
- Microwave oven
- Cooking
What does HACCP stand for?
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
What are the principles of HACCP?
- Hazard Analysis
- ID critical control points (CCP) in food prep
- Establish procedures to monitor CCP
- Etablish corrective action taken if needed
- establish process to ensure HACCP system is working
- Establish effective record keeping
What is a hazard per HACCP
Any bilogical, chemical or physical property that may cause food to be unsafe for human consumption.
What are examples of CCPs?
Cooking, chilling, sanitation procedures, prevention of cross contamination, employee and environment hygiene.
Design plans for a facility should be reviewed by whom?
Local PMA
Floor mounted equipment should be how far from the floor?
6 inches
What is the best method to pervent backflow?
The air gap.
What kind of lighting do food preperation areas require?
50 foot candles 30” from the floor.
What is the difference between cleaning and sanitizing?
Cleaning is the removal of food from a surface while sanitation is the reduction of microbes on a surface to a safe level
What type of cleaning agent do you use for fresh soil?
General purpose detergents
What are the steps for manual dish washing?
Scrape, wash, rinse, sanitize, and air dry.
What type of cleaning agent do you use for ovens, burnt on grease?
How do you idtenfiy coachroaches?
Strong oily order
Egg cases
Most common type of cockroach?
German cockroach
What are signs of infestation of rats?
Gnawing, nesting, holes, droppings and rub marks
What are common injuries found in a kitchen?
Alpha class Fire extinguishers is used for what and represented by which symbol?
wood, paper, fabric, and most kinds of trash. Is marked by a Triangle
Class B Fire extinguisher symbol and usages
Square, for petroleum greases, tars, oils, oil-based paints, solvents, lacquers, or alcohols (boil)
Class C Fire extinguisher symbol and usage
Used for electric fires it is marked by a C with a circle