Food chains, energy transfer + productivity Flashcards
What are saprobionts?
A group of organisms that break down material of dead organisms (they are decomposers)
Why do saprobionts act as fertilisers?
They release nutrients when they decompose things
What is biomass?
The total mass of living material in a specific area at a given time
How can biomass be measured (three ways)?
- Fresh mass - living mass/weight of plant/animal
- Dry mass - mass/weight of organism without water
- Calorimetry
Compare measuring biomass using fresh mass vs. dry mass
Fresh mass - easy to access but diff. plants/animals have varying amounts of water
Dry mass - more reliable but organisms have to be killed (time consuming + sometimes not representative)
Issues with both - samples may not be representative
What are producers?
Photosynthetic organisms that manufacture organic substances using light energy, water, CO2 + mineral ions
What are consumers?
Organisms that obtain their energy by feeding on other organisms rather than using sun’s energy directly
What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
- Food chains that are linked together to form a food web
- Food webs are complex as most animals do not rely on one food source
How can chemical energy store in dry mass be estimated (energy at each trophic level)?
1. Weigh sample
2. Burn in pure O2 in a sealed chamber (called a bomb)
3. Measure the temp. increase in a fixed volume of water
(shows energy released)
Why is energy lost from the sun to the producer?
- Over 90% of the sun’s energy is reflected back into space
- Not all wavelengths of light can be absorbed
- Light may not fall on a chlorophyll molecule
Why is energy lost from producer to primary consumer?
- Much of plant material cannot be accessed e.g roots
- Some material cannot be digested
What are the 4 reasons for energy losses between consumers?
- Excretory losses
- Respiration
- Indigestible material (bones)
- Death + decay
What is GPP?
Gross Primary Production - the total amount of chemical energy created from light energy by plants (producers), in a given area
What is NPP?
Net Primary Production - energy available for new biological molecules (growth + reproduction)
What is the equation for calculating NPP for producers?
R - respiratory losses
What is the equation for calculating NPP for consumers?
NPP = I-(F+R)
(I - ingested)
(F - faeces)
(R - respiratory losses)
What is it called when production is expressed as a rate?
What is the equation you would use to work out efficiency?
Efficiency = (Energy available after transfer/energy available before transfer) x 100
Explain why most food chains rarely have more than 4 trophic levels
The proportion of energy transferred at each trophic level in small (less than 20%)
After 4 trophic levels there is insufficient to support a large enough breeding population
What is a food chain?
- It describes a feeding relationship in which the producers are eaten by primary consumers (and these are eaten by secondary consumers etc.)
- Arrows show the direction of energy flow
What are trophic levels?
Each stages of the food chain
What is productivity?
The rate at which producers convert light energy into chemical energy in photosynthesis