Food And Nutrition Chapter 3 Flashcards
Name the part of the digestive system where the most absorption occurs?
The small intestine
What is the dental formula of an adult ?
I 2/2, C 1/1 , pm 2/2, m 3/3
What are the four types of teeth in a person mouth?
An Adult has how many teeth
8 Incisors
4 Canines
8 Premolars
12 Molars
Digestion involves
Mechanical digestion
Chemical digestion
Mechanical digestion is
Through the mouth large pieces of food being broken down into smaller pieces
Incisors are to
Cut and bite of pieces of food
Canines are to
Grip and tear off pieces of food
Premolars are to
Crush and grind food
Molars are to
Crush and grind food
The Digestion System involves
Gall bladder
Small intestine
The mouth is where
The digestion of strach begins
Epiglottis does what
Closes over the trachea during swallowing
Oesophagus is where
Food is transported to the stomach
The Stomach is where
The digestion of protein begins and also where gastric juice is produce
The liver is where
It produces bile
The Gall bladder is where
It store bile
The Pancreas is where
Pancreas juice is produce
The Small intestine is where
It’s receives bile and pancreas juice
The Colon is where
It absorbs water and mineral salts
The Rectum is where
It store faeces for Egestion
Chemical digestion is
Where it uses acids and enzymes to break down food into simpler nutrients