Food and drink Flashcards
Food, the food
Mat, maten
Egg, eggs, the egg, the eggs
Ägg, ägg, ägget, äggen
Bacon, the bacon
Bacon, baconet
Pasta, the pasta
Pasta, pastan
Cereal, the cereal
Flingor, flingorna
Toast, the toast
Toast, toastet
Burger, burgers, the burger, the burgers
Hamburgare, hamburgare, hamburgaren, hamburgarna
Salad, salads, the salad, the salads
Sallad, sallader, salladen, salladerna
Vegetable, vegetables, the vegetable, the vegetables
Grönsak, grönsaker, grönsaken, grönsakerna
Meat, the meat
Kött, köttet
Fish, the fish
Fisk, fisken
Steak, steaks, the steak, the steaks
Biff, biffar, biffen, biffarna
Ham, the ham
Skinka, skinkan
Beef, the beef
Nötkött, nötköttet
Lamb, the lamb
Lamm, lammet
Chicken, the chicken
Kyckling, kycklingen
Sausage, sausages, the sausage, the sausages
Korv, korvar, korven, korvarna
Tuna, the tuna
Tonfisk, tonfisken
Salmon, the salmon
Lax, laxen
Tomato, tomatoes, the tomato, the tomatoes
Tomat, tomater, tomaten, tomaterna
Apple, apples, the apple, the apples
Äpple, äpplen, äpplet, äpplen
Orange, oranges, the orange, the oranges
Apelsin, apelsiner, apelsinen, apelsinerna
Banana, bananas, the banana, the bananas
Banan, bananer, bananen, bananerna
Pineapple, pineapples, the pineapple, the pineapples
Ananas, ananaser, ananasen, ananaserna
Cucumber, cucumbers, the cucumber, the cucumbers
Gurka, gurkor, gurkan, gurkorna
Carrot, carrots, the carrot, the carrots
Morot, morötter, moroten, morötterna
Onion, onions, the onion, the onions
Lök, lök, löken, lökarna
Garlic, the garlic
Vitlök, vitlöken
Sauce, sauces, the sauce, the sauces
Sås, såser, såsen, såserna
Sandwich, sandwiches, the sandwich, the sandwiches
Smörgås, smörgåsar, smörgåsen, smörgåsarna
Chilli, the chilli
Chili, chilin
To make a sandwich, I am making a sandwich, I made a sandwich
Att göra en smörgås, jag gör en smörgås, jag gjorde en smörgås
To cook, I am cooking, I cooked
Att laga mat, jag lagar mat, jag lagade mat
To cut, I am cutting, I cutted
Att skära, jag skär, jag skar
Drink, drinks, the drink, the drinks
Drick, drycker, dryken, drykerna
Coffee, the coffee
Kaffe, kaffet
Juice, juices, the juice, the juices
Juice, juicer, juicen, juicerna
Water, the water
Vatten, vattnet