Food Flashcards
In this skill, you’ll learn the verb lager, which translates to make. There’s no separate verb for cooking, instead, we use lager mat, literally make food.
Han lager _____.
He is cooking.
Measure Words
Remember that in Norwegian, the word for of, av, is omitted where one would normally use it in English to join a measure word with another noun.
en kopp kaffe
a cup of coffee
et glass vann
a glass of water
å lage
to make
å lage mat
to cook
en fisk
a fish
et kjøtt
a meat
en pasta
a pasta
en/ei suppe
a soup
en kylling
a chicken
mat (m)
en frokost
a breakfast
en ost
a cheese
en frukt
a fruit
en tomat
a tomato
et glass
a glass
en øl
a (unit of) beer
et salt
a salt
et egg
an egg
et sukker
a sugar
en pepper
a pepper (not bell pepper!)
Vi trenger mat.
We need food.
Jeg elsker mat.
I love food.
Spiser du kjøtt?
Do you eat meat?