Food Flashcards


1.(of food, etc.) having a strong, unpleasant taste; not sweet
Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
2.(of arguments, disagreements, etc.) very serious and unpleasant, with a lot of anger and hate involved
a long and bitter dispute
They are locked in a bitter custody battle over their three children.
The candidates are locked in an increasingly bitter struggle.
3. (of people) feeling angry and unhappy because you feel that you have been treated unfairly
She is very bitter about losing her job.
The company sounds pretty bitter about the experience.
4.making you feel very unhappy; caused by great unhappiness
to weep/shed bitter tears
Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team.
I’ve learnt from bitter experience not to trust what he says.
5. extremely cold and unpleasant
bitter cold
a bitter wind
It’s really bitter out today.
The weather turned bitter.

*a bitter pill (for somebody) (to swallow)
​a fact or an event that is unpleasant and difficult to accept
The election defeat was a bitter pill for the party to swallow.
*to/until the bitter end
​continuing until you have done everything you can, or until something is completely finished, despite difficulties and problems
They were prepared to fight to the bitter end for their rights.
We will fight this case to the bitter end.


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