FOM Flashcards
(DAAP)Destination Airport Analysis Program
When the Company pilot crewmembers are using the relief provided by Title 14 CFR Part 135
paragraphs 135.385(f) and 135.387(b), and authorized by Ops Spec C057 and C049, or the relief
provided by Title 14 CFR 91.1037(c) and (d) and authorized by M Spec MC049, they also must
comply with the following:
DAAP criteria
Pilot crewmembers shall not depart for the planned destination unless current weather
reports, forecasts, or any combination of them, indicate that at the estimated time of arrival
the following conditions are expected for the destination airport:
o Reported turbulence on final approach must be less than moderate.
o Reported maximum gusts on the surface must be 10 knots or less above steady
state wind (gust factor of 10 knots or less).
o Reported maximum crosswind shall be 15 knots or less.
o Low level wind shear is not reported or forecast.
o Pilot crewmembers prohibited from departing because of the above limitations may
depart if a suitable alternate airport is selected. If the alternate airport requires
DAAP relief, the alternate must meet all of the above limitations.
DAAP Restrictions
The following restrictions apply anytime crews are using the DAAP relief for preflight
o Lift dump devices, if installed, must be operational.
o Thrust reversers, if installed, must be operational for operations on wet runways.
o Anti-skid, if installed, must be operational.
o The runway must have an approved and operational visual guidance system or
serviced by an operational glide slope (i.e., ILS, LPV, LNAV/VNAV, FMS Visual
with VGP) unless a DAAP exception has been granted.
DAAP wet
Wet or Contaminated Runway Operations: crews shall not depart for a destination if weather
reports or forecasts, or any combination of them, indicate that at the estimated time of arrival at the
destination airport (Part 135 operations) or at the destination and alternate airports (Part 91K
operations), the runways may be wet or contaminated, unless the effective runway length at the
destination airport is at least 115% of the runway length required for dry operations.
DAAP crew limitations
Crew Limitations (DAAP): The following limitations apply to crewmembers for operations into all
airports that require the use of the 80% rule for landing. A SIC with less than 100 hours of flight
time logged in their assigned aircraft type shall not conduct any takeoff or landing if:
• Landing at the destination airport requires a Destination Airport Analysis per §135.385(f)
• Any of the following conditions apply:
o The prevailing visibility for the airport is at or below ¾ mile.
o The RVR for the runway to be used is at or below 4000 feet.
o The runway to be used has water, snow, slush, ice, or similar contamination that
may adversely affect aircraft performance.
o The braking action on the runway to be used is reported to be less than “good.”
o The crosswind component for the runway to be used is in excess of 15 knots.
o Windshear is reported in the vicinity of the airport.
o Any other condition in which the PIC determines to be prudent to exercise the
PIC’s authority.
The PIC will make all landings at airport that have been approved under
this provision. If two current and qualified PICs are paired together, either
may make the landing. The above limitations may be waived if the SIC is
flying with an authorized Check Pilot or Instructor Pilot
When is a destination alternate required? (FAR 135.223)
For at least one hour before and after the estimated time of arrival, the appropriate weather reports or forecasts,
or any combination of them, indicate that -
• The ceiling will be at least 1,500 feet above the lowest circling approach MDA; or
• If a circling instrument approach is not authorized for the airport, the ceiling will be at least
1,500 feet above the lowest published minimum or 2,000 feet above the airport elevation,
whichever is higher; and
• Visibility for that airport is forecast to be at least three miles, or two miles more than the lowest
applicable visibility minimums, whichever is the greater, for the instrument approach procedure
to be used at the destination airport.
What are the weather minimums required to use an airport as an alternate airport? (OPS SPEC C055)
If alternate airport has one straight-in operating approach:
• Ceiling must be MDA/DA + 400 feet
• AND Required Visibility + 1-Mile
If alternate airport has two operating (straight-in) approaches to different suitable runways:
• Ceiling must be MDA/DA + 200 feet (highest of the two approaches used)
• AND Required Visibility + ½ Mile
Can you conduct flights to airports without weather reporting? (OPS SPEC A057, FOM 4.9.10)
Yes. As an “Eligible On Demand” operator, we can file to and conduct approaches to airports without weather
reporting. (per FAR 135.225(b))
How do you know we legally have enough runway available for takeoff and landing?
Review iPreflight/APG data
If the arrival runway was too short for 60% requirements, what options do we have?
80% (EODO
When doing your landing assessment check, do you still apply the same landing (60% or 80% landing
distance calculations during pre-flight planning?
No. The 60%/80% rules are for pre-departure planning only
What does Part 135 regulations require for planning obstacle avoidance? (Ref: 135.379)
Must calculate a net takeoff flight path that clears all obstacles either by a height of at least 35 feet vertically, or
by at least 200 feet horizontally within the airport boundaries and by at least 300 feet horizontally after passing
the boundaries
How do we know we’ll meet our minimum climb requirements to avoid obstacles in the event of an
engine failure?
APG data ensures we meet these requirements
When selecting a runway in iPreflight, you sometimes have options of the Runway designation with and
without “DP” or “DP1” next to it. What does it mean if you don’t have a “DP”?
The departure procedure is a straight out departure.
Where is company guidance for Winter Operations and where can we find aircraft specific guidance?
Section 7 of the FOM covers Winter Operations
Hold Over Charts
CFM Aircraft specific winter operations procedures