Follicular eruptions and white lesions in the oral mucosa Flashcards
Pityrosporum folliculitis etiology
caused by Malasezzia furfur (yeast)
Pityrosporum folliculitis clinical features
monomorphous papules without comedones
not usually inflammatory
Pityrosporum folliculitis dx
KOH positive
Pseudomonas folliculitis etiology
Hx of hot tub exposure
often more than one person affected
Pseudomonas folliculitis clinical features
inflammatory (red) follicular-based papules and pustules
Pseudomonas folliculitis dx
culture positive for pseudomonas
self-limited, tx not necessary
hot tub - clean, adjust pH
Staphylococcal folliculitis clinical features
inflammatory pustules
Staphylococcal folliculitis dx
gram stain and culture positive
Oral leukoplakia
white patch/plaque in the mouth that cannot be readily removed
not determined to be any other disease
considered to be a precursor lesion of oral SCC
Oral SCC
presents as areas of erythroplakia or leukoplakia
overt malignancy may also show outward proliferation or ulceration
Oral candidiasis
raised white patches on oral mucosa and tongue
can be wiped off - revealing a raw, erythematous, and sometimes bleeding base
Oral hairy leukoplakia
hyperkeratotic lesion that typically involves the lateral border of the tongue
marker of generalized immunosuppression - usually associated with HIV, or in patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy following organ transplantation
caused by EBV
Lichen planus
common inflammatory dermatosis usually associated with a papulosquamous eruption
presents as bilateral white patches on the buccal/lingual mucosa
Frictional keratosis
due to regular friction, mostly from teeth and dentures
typically appears as a thin white line across the side of the cheek
may present as a discrete white patch anywhere in the mouth, but particularly on the gingivae or buccal mucosa
Smoker’s keratosis
white keratotic plaque associated with use of smokeless tobacco products
typically located only in areas of direct contact with snuff or chewing tobacco
Reversible when the affected patient quits habit
Oral submucous fibrosis
chronic inflammatory condition related to long-term use of betel nut and tobacco
Clinically, lesions may show paleness and/or ulceration of the mucosa
Discoid lupus erythematous
Well-demarcated, round or oval, scaly, reddish-purple plaque has a center which becomes atrophied, scarred, and depigmented as the plaque expands
White sponge nevus
relatively rare autosomal dominant hereditary condition in which the oral mucosa is white, thickened and folded