Folie 6 Flashcards
In der letzten Sitzung haben wir uns beschäftig mit kultureller Sinn- und Identitätsstiftung sowie der Frage nach einer europäischen Identität. Dabei wurde auch die kulturelle Vielfalt angesprochen, die kennzeichnend für Europa/die EU ist. Daran knüpfen wir an und wollen diese nun sichtbarer machen. (1)
In the last session we dealt with the creation of cultural meaning and identity as well as the question of a European identity. The cultural diversity that is characteristic of Europe/the EU was also addressed. We are building on that and now want to make it more visible
Zunächst soll ein kurzer Überblick gegeben werden zu zentralen Konzepten der Kulturwissenschaften, die hierbei beachtet werden sollten. (1)
First, a brief overview will be given of the central concepts of cultural studies that should be considered here.
Kulturelle Generalisierung:
“Nearly all _______ beliefs are represented in all cultures at all times, but each ________ _____ has a preference for some beliefs over ______.
The _________ of this preference, derived from large-group _______, is a cultural __________. Of course, individuals can be _____ in any culture who hold beliefs similar to people in a different _______.
There just aren’t so many of them – they don’t ______ the preponderance of people who hold ______ closer to the norm or “central _______” of the group.” (2)
Kulturelle Generalisierung:
“Nearly all possible beliefs are represented in all cultures at all times, but each different culture has a preference for some beliefs over others.
The description of this preference, derived from large-group research, is a cultural generalization. Of course, individuals can be found in any culture who hold beliefs similar to people in a different culture.
There just aren’t so many of them – they don’t represent the preponderance of people who hold beliefs closer to the norm or “central tendency” of the group.”
Stereotypisierung: “Kognitive Schemata und Fremdbilder, die auf einem Minimum persönlicher Erfahrung basieren und reduzierte und starre Annahmen über Eigenschaften oder Verhaltensweisen von Personen anderskultureller sozialer Gruppen machen. (…) vereinfachende und schematisierende Aussagen (…). (…) sie beschreiben (…) das erwartete Verhalten, das man allen Mitgliedern einer Gruppe zuschreibt.” (Barmeyer 2012, 150)
Vorurteile: “vorgefertigte, meist negative Wertungen, die ohne die Kenntnis von Fakten gebildet wurden” (Barmeyer 2012, 150) (3)
Stereotyping: “Cognitive schemes and external images that are based on a minimum of personal experience and make reduced and rigid assumptions about the characteristics or behavior of people from different cultural social groups. (…) simplifying and schematizing statements (…). (…) they describe (…) the expected behavior that is ascribed to all members of a group.” (Barmeyer 2012, 150)
Prejudices: “prefabricated, mostly negative evaluations that were formed without knowledge of facts” (Barmeyer 2012, 150)
“Normen und Auffassungen der eigenen Gruppe oder Gesellschaft [werden unreflektiert] auf andere Gruppen oder Gesellschaften übertr[agen]” (4)
“Norms and views of one’s own group or society [are transferred without reflection] to other groups or societies”
“eigenkulturelle[s], durch Sozialisation entwickelte[s] Referenzsystem von Werten und Praktiken (…) dient als Maßstab, um andere kulturelle Gruppen zu beurteilen (4)
“Individual culture[s], developed[s] through socialization reference system of values and practices (…) serves as a benchmark to judge other cultural groups
“der eigene unreflektierte Standpunkt [wird] als normal angesehen” (4)
one’s own unreflected point of view [is] considered normal”
“Bereitschaft, die eigenen Normen und Auffassungen zu hinterfragen und zu relativieren und die Normen und Auffassungen anderer Gruppen oder Gesellschaften zu akzeptieren, zu verstehen und als ebenbürtig zu achten.” (4)
“Willingness to question and relativize one’s own norms and views and to accept, understand and respect the norms and views of other groups or societies as equals.”
Emische (emic) vs. etische (etic) Kulturbeschreibung
Emic (emic) vs. etic (etic) culture description
Emic Culture
Emic refers to the insider’s account or perspective (Pike, 1954), which was traditionally seen as being more subjective and culture-specific. The goal of the emic perspective was to fully understand the culture through deep anthropological understanding and full immersion.
Etic Culture
Specifically, ‘etic’ refers to research that studies cross-cultural differences, whereas ‘emic’ refers to research that fully studies one culture with no (or only a secondary) cross-cultural focus.
Emischer Ansatz
Forschende nehmen “einen Standpunkt innerhalb des Systems [der untersuchten Kultur] ein[ ]”, “Innenperspektive”
Verwendung von “Konzepte[n]” und Methoden, “die aus Sicht der Angehörigen der untersuchten kulturellen Gruppe angemessen, relevant und sinnvoll erscheinen”
meist kein Kulturvergleich möglich (5)
emic approach
Researchers take “a point of view within the system [of the culture studied][ ]”, “internal perspective”
Use of “concept[s]” and methods “that appear appropriate, relevant and meaningful from the point of view of the members of the cultural group under investigation”
mostly no culture comparison possible(5)
Etischer Ansatz
Forschende nehmen “Standpunkt außerhalb des Systems ein[ ]”, “Außenperspektive”
Verwendung von Konzepten und Methoden, “die den Forschern selbst angemessen und sinnvoll erscheinen”
Wahl kulturübergreifender Untersuchungsparameter, Kulturvergleich möglich (5)
Ethical approach
Researchers take “point of view outside the system[ ]”, “outside perspective”
Use of concepts and methods “that seem appropriate and meaningful to the researchers themselves”
Choice of cross-cultural examination parameters, culture comparison possible
Beispiel Irland*
e.g. facts and statistics, core concepts, language and communication, religion and beliefs, dates of significance, do’s and don’ts, business culture, social etiquette and customs …
Core Concepts**
______, Humour, Ingenuity, ________, Patriotism, _______, Mateship
The Irish are proud of their _______ and their perseverance through struggles such as the _______ ______ (1845), the _____ War for Independence (1919-1921) and ongoing tensions with Northern Ireland (6)
Core Concepts**
Modesty, Humour, Ingenuity, Creativity, Patriotism, Warmth, Mateship
The Irish are proud of their identity and their perseverance through struggles such as the Potato Famine (1845), the Irish War for Independence (1919-1921) and ongoing tensions with Northern Ireland
Beispiel weiter:
The Republic of Ireland occupies five-____ of the island of Ireland. The remaining one-sixth of the island is occupied by Northern Ireland, which is a part of the ______ Kingdom. The two regions share a long and turbulent history. The nature of the _____ is complex and deeply entangled with other factors, particularly _______. One of the distinguishing factors between the two regions is that Northern Ireland is mainly _________ Christian, whereas the Republic of Ireland is predominantly Catholic Christian.
The two areas have been _______ from one another for almost 100 years, which began with the Irish War of Independence (1919-19__), a conflict between the British state and Irish republican independence fighters in the Irish Republican Army. The near-100 years of separation have resulted in diverging patterns of national cultural development, which is evident ______ ________, dialect, accent, religion, _______, sport and music. (7)
The Republic of Ireland occupies five-sixths of the island of Ireland. The remaining one-sixth of the island is occupied by Northern Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom. The two regions share a long and turbulent history. The nature of the history is complex and deeply entangled with other factors, particularly religion. One of the distinguishing factors between the two regions is that Northern Ireland is mainly Protestant Christian, whereas the Republic of Ireland is predominantly Catholic Christian.
The two areas have been separated from one another for almost 100 years, which began with the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921), a conflict between the British state and Irish republican independence fighters in the Irish Republican Army. The near-100 years of separation have resulted in diverging patterns of national cultural development, which is evident through language, dialect, accent, religion, politics, sport and music.
Pt 3 Ireland:
Within Northern Ireland, most citizens typically identify as British. The largest minority population in _______ Ireland are those who identify with the Republic of Ireland. The relationship between the groups is tense and deeply _______ to the tensions between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. These tensions manifested in a _-year (1968-1998) conflict within Northern Ireland known as ‘The Troubles.’ The heart of the conflict lay in the __________ status of Northern Ireland. At its ____, the Troubles reflected two mutually exclusive visions of national identity and national belonging. Some _____ wished to remain within the United Kingdom, while others wished for Northern Ireland to be a part of the _________ of _______. (8)
Within Northern Ireland, most citizens typically identify as British. The largest minority population in Northern Ireland are those who identify with the Republic of Ireland. The relationship between the groups is tense and deeply connected to the tensions between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. These tensions manifested in a 30-year (1968-1998) conflict within Northern Ireland known as ‘The Troubles.’ The heart of the conflict lay in the constitutional status of Northern Ireland. At its core, the Troubles reflected two mutually exclusive visions of national identity and national belonging. Some citizens wished to remain within the United Kingdom, while others wished for Northern Ireland to be a part of the Republic of Ireland.
The Republic of Ireland occupies five-sixths of the island of Ireland. The remaining one-sixth of the island is occupied by Northern Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom. The two regions share a long and turbulent history. The nature of the history is complex and deeply entangled with other factors, particularly religion. One of the distinguishing factors between the two regions is that Northern Ireland is mainly Protestant Christian, whereas the Republic of Ireland is predominantly Catholic Christian. (7)
The Republic of Ireland occupies five-sixths of the island of Ireland. The remaining one-sixth of the island is occupied by Northern Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom. The two regions share a long and turbulent history. The nature of the history is complex and deeply entangled with other factors, particularly religion. One of the distinguishing factors between the two regions is that Northern Ireland is mainly Protestant Christian, whereas the Republic of Ireland is predominantly Catholic Christian.
The two areas have been separated from one another for almost 100 years, which began with the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921), a conflict between the British state and Irish republican independence fighters in the Irish Republican Army. The near-100 years of separation have resulted in diverging patterns of national cultural development, which is evident through language, dialect, accent, religion, politics, sport and music. (7 pt 2)
The two areas have been separated from one another for almost 100 years, which began with the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921), a conflict between the British state and Irish republican independence fighters in the Irish Republican Army. The near-100 years of separation have resulted in diverging patterns of national cultural development, which is evident through language, dialect, accent, religion, politics, sport and music.
Within Northern Ireland, most citizens typically identify as British. The largest minority population in Northern Ireland are those who identify with the Republic of Ireland. The relationship between the groups is tense and deeply connected to the tensions between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. These tensions manifested in a 30-year (1968-1998) conflict within Northern Ireland known as ‘The Troubles.’ The heart of the conflict lay in the constitutional status of Northern Ireland. At its core, the Troubles reflected two mutually exclusive visions of national identity and national belonging. Some citizens wished to remain within the United Kingdom, while others wished for Northern Ireland to be a part of the Republic of Ireland. (8)
Within Northern Ireland, most citizens typically identify as British. The largest minority population in Northern Ireland are those who identify with the Republic of Ireland. The relationship between the groups is tense and deeply connected to the tensions between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. These tensions manifested in a 30-year (1968-1998) conflict within Northern Ireland known as ‘The Troubles.’ The heart of the conflict lay in the constitutional status of Northern Ireland. At its core, the Troubles reflected two mutually exclusive visions of national identity and national belonging. Some citizens wished to remain within the United Kingdom, while others wished for Northern Ireland to be a part of the Republic of Ireland.