What is the result of learning
a change in behavior
What is human behavior?
- the product of factors that cause people to act in a predictable way
- result of attempts to satisfy certain needs
Maslows Hierarchy
- Physiological
- Security
- Belonging
- Self esteem
- Self actualization
What are defense mechanisms?
the reaction to a certain situation (flying) that attempts to protect or preserve the student
What are the defense mechanisms that you will see when teaching?
- Repression
- Denial
- Compensation
- Projection
- Rationalization
- Fantasy
- Displacement
- Reaction Forulation
What is repression ?
hiding the fear or uncomfortable thought in your subconscious; “burying the fear”
what is denial?
refusal to accept the reality of the situation; “well nothing bad happened from it”
what is Compensation?
– emphasizing a strength is hopes of counterbalancing shortcomings; “we need more work on stalls… ya but my landings were all great”
What is Projection?
blaming others or the situation for failures; “I failed the check ride because my examiner was a jerk”
What is rationalization?
creating excuses for failures; “I would have done better but I didn’t have enough time”
What is fantasy?
when a student daydreams about situations to avoid negative thoughts; “daydreaming of career in aviation instead of working towards it”
What is displacement?
submerging the feeling and taking them out on someone else
What is Reaction Formation?
When a student creates a reaction that they believe that is more desirable to cover up the real reaction
What is a normal reaction to stress?
• Rapid response exactly within limits of their experience and training
What are abnormal reactions to stress?
- Complete absence and freezing
- Random and illogical
- Extreme over cooperation
- Inappropriate laughter or singing
- Anger
What is learning?
the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and experience that results in a relatively permanent change in behavior
What are the two theories of learning?
- Behaviorism
`2. Cognitive theory
What is behaviorism?
learn through rewards– that a behavior modification takes place with the reinforcement of that behavior or punishment;
What is cognitive theory?
– Learn through doing/interacting – that learning is not just a change in behavior but a change in the way the person thinks/understands
How do people learn?
- Perceptions
- Insights
- Motivations
What are perceptions?
giving meaning to the sensations experienced through your 5 senses
What are insights?
grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes
What is motivation?
The reason for someone doing something
What are the factors that effect perceptions?
- Psychical organism
- Goals and values
- Self-concept
- Time and opportunity
- Element of threat
What are the domains of learning?
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Psycomotor domain
What does the cognitive domain deal with?
What does the affective domain deal with?
What does the psycomotor domain deal with
What are the levels of learning?
- Rote
- Understanding
- Application
- Correlation
What are the stages of acquiring knowledge?
- Memorization
- Understanding
- Concept learning
What are the stages of acquiring a skill?
- Cognitive
- Associative
- Automatic response