Foetal development and growth Flashcards
What happens in week 1 (clinical gestation week 3)?
Sperm and ovum join = fertilisation
Forms into a morula then a blastocyst which then implants into the endometrial wall
What happens in week 2 (clinical gestation week 4)?
Bilaminar germ discs form = epiblast/hypoblast
What happens in week 3 (clinical gestation week 5)?
Trilaminar germ disc forms
- Gastrulation
- Ectoderm/Mesoderm/Endoderm - from these 3 layers all the rest of the body can form
- Neurulation - by end of 4th week
When does folding of the embryonic disc occur and what ways does it fold?
Flat trilaminar disc to cylindrical embryo
- cephalo-caudal folding
- lateral folding
What happens in the embryonic period?
Establishment of main organ systems
Post-fertilisation week 3-8 (clinical gestation 5-10 weeks)
What happens in the foetal period?
Maturation and growth of tissues and organs
Post-fertilisation weeks 9-38 (clinical gestation 11-40 weeks)
What are the different types of birth defects?
Developmental disorders present at birth Types: - structural = congenital anomaly - functional = organ dysfunction - metabolic = enzyme/cellular defect
What are the causes of birth defects?
Multi-factorial inheritance
- interaction between genetic constitution and environmental factors
What are some different causes of congenital anomalies?
- incomplete or abnormal formation of structure
- complete of partial absence of a structure
- alteration of its normal configuration
- morphological alterations of already formed structure
- destructive process e.g. amniotic bands
- mechanical factors e.g. positional talipes
What are some different causes of chromosomal/genetic issues?
Multi-organ involvement - usually lethal /significant defect
- group of anomalies with a specific known cause eg. Down’s Syndrome
- abnormalities which tend to occur together but the cause is not determined e.g. CHARGE
- when a defect leads to a cascade of further abnormalities e.g. potters sequence - baby doesn’t have any kidneys and this subsequently means no urine is produced, leading to no amniotic fluid and this leads to multiple abnormalities
What are the clinical features of Down’s syndrome?
- craniofacial appearance = flat nasal bridge, upslanted palpebral fissures, epicanthic folds, brushfield spots
- single palmar crease and wide sandal gap
- Hypotonia
- Congenital heart defects - 40%
- Duodenal atresia
- variable learning difficulties
- Alzheimer’s / Malignancy
What are the different genetic causes of trisomy 21?
Non-disjunction - 94-95%
Robertsonian translocation
What are the determining factors of a teratogenic birth defects?
Genetic constitution of the embryo
What are some different types of teratogens?
Drugs - alcohol, cocaine, thalidomide, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics
Environmental factors - organic mercury, lead
Infectious agents - rubella, CMV
Radiation - high levels of ionising radiation
Maternal factors - SLE, poorly controlled pre-existing DM
Mechanical factors - malformed uterus, oligohydramnios, amniotic band
Based upon the timing of the foetus’ life, what impact does insult to teratogens have on the foetus?
Prior to post-fertilisation week 2
- either a miscarriage or no effect
Organogenesis period (weeks 3-8)
- period of greatest sensitivity to malformation
- different organ systems have different periods of peak sensitivity
- leading to birth defect
Foetogenesis period (weeks 9-38)
- main effect on growth and functional maturation
- usually not leading to birth defect
What is omphalocele?
Abdominal wall defect
- transparent sac of amnion attached to umbilical ring containing herniated viscera
1 in 4,000 births
Persistence of embryonic midgut herniation
60% associated with other abnormalities
20% chromosomal abnormalities e.g. Edwards