Foetal Asphyxia / CTG Flashcards
What is the definition of Foetal hypoxia ?
reduced oxygen supply to the foetus , associated with a prolonged drop in oxygen level (hypoxaemia) and an increase in carbon dioxide level (hypercapnia) in the foetal blood
What are the causes of foetal hypoxia ?
1-Uterine hyperstimulation
2- Maternal disease (placental disease, placental abruption, etc.)
3-Cord compression
4-Intrinsic foetal disease
5- Maternal supine hypotension syndrome
6- Drugs administered for analgesia and anaesthesia
What are the cases that Continuous EFM should be used in low risk pregnancies ?
1- oxytocin is being used for induction or augmentation of labour
2- epidural analgesia
3- vaginal bleeding in labour
4- maternal pyrexia
5- fresh meconium-stained liquor
What are the Four main features of the fetal heart rate must be observed on the cardiotocograph?
1-baseline heart rate
(2) baseline variability
(3) decelerations;
(4) acceleration
When does Reduced baseline variability commonly occur normally?
1- during foetal sleep cycles
2- up to 40 minutes during labour
3- drugs: opioids/ MGSO4
What is the definition of Deceleration ?
A sudden decrease in FHR by more than 15 beats/min lasting for more than 15 seconds but less than 2 minutes from the baseline
What are the types of decelerations in FHR ?
(1) early, (2) late, and (3) variable decelerations
What is the clinical value of presence of decelerations ?
🩷 in labour: it is possible for some non-pathological type of decelerations to occur
🌸 antenatal period : should always be considered pathological.
What is the definition of Early decelerations ?
*begin at about the same time as the onset of the uterine contraction.
* The nadir of early decelerations coincides with the peak of contraction
🔮 uncommon
What is the clinical Significance of early decelerations ?
Normal and common
usually not indicative of foetal compromise. They may occur due to head compression during uterine contractions.
What is the most ominous FHR pattern ?
Late decelerations
What is the definition of Late decelerations ?
The onset of these decelerations occurs after the beginning of the contraction, and the nadir of the deceleration occurs after the peak of the contraction
What is the meaning of Uncomplicated variable decelerations?
Not associated with other FHR abnormalities, e.g.,baseline changes and reduced variability
🌸not consistently associated with poor neonatal outcome
What is the definition of Acceleration in FHR monitoring?
transient increases in FHR of 15 beats/min or more, which lasts for 15 seconds or more
associated with good outcome.
What is the minimum period of time to label The foetal heart pattern as sinusoidal ?
if this pattern lasts for at least 10 minutes
What are the causes for sinusoidal pattern ?
foetal anaemia
massive foetal haemorrhage due to causes such as maternal anticoagulation therapy (aspirin,
warfarin, etc.),
bleeding vasa praevia, cordocentesis,
Rh isoimmunisation, .
Maternal administration of some sedative and analgesic drugs like meperidine, pethidine,
butorphanol, and alphaprodine (but not other narcotics)
How to manage Sinusoidal pattern due to pethidine ?
How to manage if sinusoidal pattern appears in labour ?
foetomaternal haemorrhage must be clinically excluded
How to interpret the CTG results?
DR define risk
C contractions
BRA baseline rate
V variability
A accelerations
D decelerations
O overall impression
According to DR C BRAVADO
What is the meaning of DR ( define risk) ?
Low risk or high risk pregnancy
Is there any risk factor as
Meconium stained liquor
IUGR / fever …
How to asses contractions on CTG scan?
Frequency ( 4-5 ) / 10 minutes
What is the normal range for fetal heart rate baseline?
110 - 160
What to check first in case of fetal tachycardia on CTG ?
Maternal temperature
What is the normal fetal heart variability?
5- 25 beats / minute