FoBS: What is Business Strategy?
Strategy is the pattern of decisions in a company that determines and reveals its objectives, purposes, or goals, produces the principal policies and plans for achieving those goals, and defines the range of business the company is to pursue, the kind of economic and human organization it is or intends to be, and the nature of the economic and noneconomic contribution it intends to make to its shareholders, employees, customers and communities.
FoBS: what are the three elements of the simple business strategy schema?
Strategic Mission > Strategic Plan > Strategic Actions
FoBS: What is a firms ‘Strategic Mission’?
A firm’s values and purpose (what is it trying to achieve) and the scope of its operations in product and market terms (e.g. what geography? Are we a global company?…)
FoBS: What is a firms ‘Strategic Plan’?
How a firm positions itself in the market and develops and leverages internal resources and capabilities to accomplish its strategic mission.
FoBS: Whate are a firms ‘Strategic Actions’?
Individual actions taken to execute the strategic plan in pursuit of the strategic mission. E.g. a new product development strategy, alliance with another company,
FoBS: Given a business strategy, how do we get to strategic analysis?
Strategic analysts analyze and assess the strategy. The question for strategists is ‘how do we assess a strategy, how do we assess and analyze wether one is a good strategy?
FoBS: What is strategic analysis?
The assessment of an organisation’s current competitive position and the identification of future valuable competitive positions and how to achieve them. There are a number of things we think about when doing strategic analysis:
- From a generalist’s perspective (integrative=> across the different business functions like marketing, hr,… , foundational)
- Using strategic reasoning (rivalry, dynamics, complexity)
- Grounded in analytics and data
- applying appropriate tools and frameworks.
FoBS: What are the three sets of questions a strategists thinks about when analyzing a company? What do they hope to achieve?
Questions around:
-Values (What is the mission, what is the scope, what do they value)
-Opportunities (What does the market demand, Who else, if anyone, offers this value proposition?
-Capabilities (What are their strengths? Where might they have a competitive advantage?)
By answering these questions strategists hope to identify valuable competitive positions. And answer the critical question: How do they create and sustain value?
FoBS: How can we answer/research questions about the values of a business?
Read the mission statement. E.G. Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
FoBS: What is a SWOT analysis?
Fill in: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats of a firm.
Highlights the internal firm capabilities (strengths, weaknesses) and the external competitive environment (Opportunities and Threats).
FoBS: What is a competitor analysis?
Simply going out and collecting competitive intelligence on your competitors and deriving the following:
-Performance metrics
An important part is identifying relevant competitors (e.g. porsche should not analyse KIA…)
FoBS: What is an environmental analysis?
THink through the following topics:
- Demographic trends
- Socio-cultural influences (e.g. smoking is frowned upon)
- Technological developments
- Macroeconomic Impact (is this business susceptible to the business cycle?)
- Political-legal pressures
- Global Trade issues
FoBS: What is the ‘Strategists Challenge’?
The strategist’s challenge is to balance values, opportunities, and capabilities to identify desirable competitive positions that create and sustain value.
FoBS: Give three basic tools of strategic analysis.
SWOT analysis, Competitor analysis, Environmental analysis.
FoBS: What is the fundamental principle of business strategy? What is the strategists task?
“If everyone can do it, it’s hard to create and capture value from it”
“In a perfectly competitive market, no firm realizes economic profits (rents)”
The existence of economic profits suggests some type of market inefficiency.
The strategists task is to identify ways in which firms may capitalize on these market imperfections.