FMH Flashcards
The student is able to describe the structure of a physiotherapeutic methodical approach
- Initial hypothesis
- Screening
- Anamnesis
- Adjusted hypothesis
- Physical examination
- Definitive hypothesis
- Physiotherapeutic diagnosis
- Treatment
- Eveluation
The student is able to name the difference between screening and diagnosing
Screening is to exclude and only to recognize risk factors. When diagnosing you connect risk factors to the signs, symptoms and pathology.
The student knows the concept of an ‘initial hypothesis’ , name the fundamental movement skills and PIPs/NPIPs.
Initial hypothesis: body region + fundamental movement skill, psychosocial, high prevalence pathology for that region.
Adjusted hypothesis: body region + fundamental movement skill + ADL activity. Adjusted hypothesis are tested in physical examination.
Fundamental movement skills:
- Stability
- Mobility (artrogenic/myogenic)
- Strength
- Endurance
- Neurogenic
PIP= patient identified problem, what the patient tells you
NPIP= non-patient identified problem, what someone else tells you about patient. GP referral, opinion fysio, medical records.
The student is able to describe the model by Cott.
Preferred movement capacity
Current movement capacity
Maximal achievable movement potential
The student knows the contents of a physiotherapeutic diagnosis.
- Age
- Reason for contact (PIP/NPIP), request for help
- Health problems ICF
- Course
- Underlying medical factors
- External factors
- Personal factors
- Prognosis
The student is able to identify the screening process and the different scenarios. The student is able to interpret the different alarm signals.
Different scenarios/patterns:
- Recognizable pattern
- Unfamiliar pattern
- Familiar pattern but with one or more divergent symptoms
- Familiar pattern but with divergent course
- Presence of one or more red flags.
General red flags:
- recent, unexplained weight loss (>5kg/month)
- longterm use of corticosteroids
- constant pain, that doesn’t diminished in rest or changing position
- cancer in history
- general feeling of malaise
- night pain, that doesn’t diminished when changing position.
The student is able to name the yellow flags for non-specific low back pain
Psychosocial flags:
- psychological and psychosocial stress
- pain related fears / avoidance behavior
- somatization
- depressive complaints
The student knows the clinical prediction rules for the lumbar stabilisation.
Set of criteria that a patient should meet in order to be placed in a specific training group.
Hicks et al contains two groups : Success and improved.
Clinical prediction rule for inclusion success group:
- Age less than 40 years old
- SLR greater than 91 degrees
- Aberrant motion present ; instability catch, painfull arc, Gowers sign, reversal lumbo-pelvic motion
- Positive prone instability test
Clinical prediction rule for inclusion improved group:
- FABQ physical activity scale greater than 9 points
- Aberrant movements absent
- No lumbar hypermobility with prone spring testing
- Negative prone instability test
The student is able to name the three phases of stability training.
Cognitive phase:
Isolated training local muscle system.
Associative phase:
Relearning specific sub-movements using global muscle system, and controlled co-contraction of local muscle system.
Autonome phase:
Specific movements ADL
The student is able to describe the contents of the guideline for low back pain.
Normal: activity level and degree of participation gradually increase over time to the level present before the episode of low back pain. In many cases pain will also diminish.
Divergent: An abnormal course with delayed recovery is defined as no clear increase in activity level and reduction in participation restrictions after 3 weeks.
The student is able to describe the contents of the guideline for low back pain.
Sub divisions
Non-specific low back pain: no specific cause, 90%, most obvious symptom is pain in lumbosacral region, pain may radiate to gluteal region and upper leg, patient has no general symptoms of disease, such as fever or weight loss, the pain may be continuous of occur in episodes.
Specific low back pain is divided into:
- Lumbosacrale radicular syndrome, characterised by radicular pain in one leg, which may or may not be associated with neurological deficits;
- Back pain resulting from a possibly serious underlying specific disorder, such as (osteoporotic) vertebral fractures, malignities, ankylosing spondylitis, severe forms of verte- bral canal stenosis, or severe forms of spondylolisthesis.
The student is able to describe the contents of the guideline for low back pain.
Red flags are signs or symptoms that might, individually or collectively, indicate a possible (serious) specific cause of the low back pain, which would require supplementary diagnostics.
There is consensus about the following red flags:
• Onset of the low back pain after age 50 years, continuous
pain regardless of posture or movement, nocturnal pain, general malaise, history of malignancy, unexplained weight loss, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) → malignity?
- Recent fracture (< 2 years ago), previous vertebral fracture, age over 60 years, low body weight (< 60 kg/ BMI < 20 kg/m2), older person with hip fracture, prolonged use of corticosteroids, local percussion pain, tenderness and axial pressure pain in the spinal column, marked height reduction, increased thoracic kyphosis → osteoporotic vertebral fracture?
- Onset of low back pain before age 20 years, male sex, iridocyclitis, history of unexplained peripheral arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease, pain mostly nocturnal, morning stiffness > 1 hour, less pain when lying down or exercising, good response to NSAIDs, elevated ESR → ankylosing spondylitis?
- Severe low back pain after trauma → vertebral fracture?
• Onset of low back pain before age 20 years, palpable
misalignment of the processi spinosi at the L4-L5 level → severe spondylolisthesis?
The student is able to describe the contents of the guideline for low back pain.
Points of interest anamneses
- Identify complaints
- Screening
- Asses status praesens: severity and nature complaints ICF.
- Identify onset complaints : Level activity/ participation before, time of onset way of developing, possible influence of occupational factors.
- Assessing course complaints: previous treatment, previous info, presence of (psychosocial) factors impeding recovery.
- Additional info: comorbid conditions, current medication/other treatment/ advice or medical aid.
- Determine patients problem
The student is able to describe the contents of the guideline for low back pain.
Recommended measurement instruments
- numeric rating scale
- PSK: patient specifieke complaints
- QBPDS: Quebec back pain disability scale
Beginning and end treatment
The student is able to describe the contents of the guideline for low back pain.
Factors that may slow down recovery
Back pain-related factors:
- severe limitations of activities
- radiating pain
- widespread pain
Personal factors:
- older age
- poor general health status
Psychosocial factors:
- psychological and psychosocial stress
- pain-related fears / avoidance behavior
- somatization
- depressive complaints
Occupational factors:
- unsatisfactory relationships with colleagues
- physically heavy tasks