FMFWO Hard Flashcards
War in Afghanistan
Operation Enduring Freedom
failed Battle of Fallujah
Vigilant Resolve
MOH for semaphoning an emergency lift under Spanish and American shellfire
John Quick
- battle of Cuzco Well in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. an operation to seize a base
MOH for Chinese Boxer Rebellion & First Caco War
Daniel Daly
MOH for Veracrus and First Caco War
Smedley Butler
WWII battles
Wake Island
Mariana Islands
Iwa Jima
Second Battle of Khe Sanh
Mariens defended a base at Khe Sanh from attack by two North Vietnamese divisions
- heavy bombardmebt but did force them to withdraw
year of first black Marines
year SecDef lifted restrictions and allowed women to fly combat aircraft
key sources for Marine Corp roles & functions
USC Title 10,
DODD 5100.01 “Functions of the DOD and its Marine Components”,
Marine Corps Manual
Roles/Functions of Marine Corp (short)
- maintain the MC reserve
- provide FMF w/combined arms and air components….
- provide detachments and organizations for service on armed vessels of the Navy…
-provide marine forces for airborne operations - provide close air support for ground forces
- conduct complex expeditionary operations in the urban littorals an other challenging environments
- conduct amphibious operations
role of Marine Corps in amphibious operations
MC has primary responsibility for the development of amphibious doctrine, tactics, techniques, and equipment
characteristics of MAGTF
- task organization for Marine Corp
- balanced air ground combined arms formation under a single commander
- principle organization for all marine Corp missions across the range of military operations
definition of expeditionary
to send forces abroad
predeployment training plan
mission of MEU
provide a forward deployed flexible sea-based MAGTF capable of conducting amphibiou operations, crisis response, and limited contingency operations
- commanded by a Colonel
- CE
-ACE - composite squadron
team of the MEB
led by General
- GCE = Regimetnal Landing Team
composition of a MEF
CE = HQ group
Marine Corp Combat Development Center
- focuses on training and education
- their greatest focus is on logistics
Combat Development and Integration
- develops future operational concepts and determine how to best organize, train, educate, and equip the Marine Corp of the Future
- falls under the MCCDC (Marine Corp Combat Development Center)
8 things the MCCDC does
Marine Corp Combat Development Center
develop warfighting concepts,
science and technology and experimentation,
capability portfolio managemnt and joint cpability integration,
training and education,
operational analysis & wargaming,
warfighting requirements,
warfighting and training programming and transitions with planning to programming,
develop, publish, and maintain doctrine
DeptNavy systems command for MC ground weapons and information technology
- responsible for R7D, acqusition, and lifecycle amnagement of MC funded material and information systems
“primarily focused on equipping the force at the strategic level”
fundamental to the MPF
Maritime Prepositioning Force
- interoperability with joint forces & its rapid introduction fo combat forces into austere environmetns
Maritime Prepositioning Force ships that have EMFs
Expeditionary Medical Facilities 150 (EMF-150) are onboard USNS Dahl and Sisler
equipment and supplies aboard the Maritime Prepositioning Force
30 days
mission and relationship of 1st MLG to the MAGTF
to provide DIRECT support to the MEF GCE and GENERAL support/sustained tactical-level logistics support above the organic capabilities of supported elements of the MEF
mission and relationship of 1st Medical Battalion to MAGTF
to be manned, trained, and equipped to conduct life-sustaining medical support in both friendly and austere environments on land, air, and sea in support of the I MEF and MAGTF globally
4 principles of risk management
accept risk when benefit > costs,
accept no unnecessary risk,
anticipate and manage risk by planning,
make risk decisions at the right level
5 steps of ORM
identify the hazards,
assess the hazards,
make risk decisions,
implement controls,
3 substeps of the first step of ORM
“Identify the Hazards”
conduct an operational analysis,
conduct a PHA (preliminary hazard analysis)
determine root cause of hazards
3 substeps of the second step of ORM
“Assess the Hazards”
determine severity & probability,
assign a RAC (risk assessment code)
5 options for controlling risk (per ORM)
reject risk,
accept risk,
delay an action,
transfer the risk,
compensate for risk
3 types of ORM controls
engineering, administrative, physical
decibels where you need hearing protection
> 84 dBA (weighted decibels
140 db peak sound pressure
While the dB scale is based only on sound intensity, the dBA scale is based on intensity and on how the human ear responds.
classes of Fire
A - wood/cloth/paper. water or AFFF
B - flammable liquids AFFF, Halon, PKP. MUST secure gas flow
C-eneergized electron. Co, Halon, water. best is to deenergize then handle as a Class A
D- combustable metals. water using fog pattern BUT explosions may occur so shield yourself
K-cooking fire like oils and fats
extinguish a class B fire
flammable liquids
AFFF, Halon, PKP (potassium bicarbonate)
- NEVer extinguish unles the flow of gas can be secured. that’s the most important thing about extinguishing these tyhpes of firs
extingish a class C fire
deenergize then handle as a Class A
back in the saddle
2 parallel Chains of Command within the DOD
Service & Operational
chain of command
Prez-SecDef-Combatant Commanders
Operational Chain of Command
chain of command
Prez-SecDef-SECNAV/CMC-forces not under Combatant Commanders
Service Chain
role of SecDef
principle defense policy advisor
- exercises authority, direction, and control othe DON
- Deputy Secretary is delegated full power/authority to act for Secretary
role of SecNav
authority under USC Title 10 to conduct all affairs for DON
- recruit, organize, supply, equip, train, mobilize/demob
- oversees construction/outfitting/repair of USN ships, equipment, and facilities
- formulation/implementation of policies and programs that are consistent with national security policies and objectives
Unified Combatant Command
command with a broad enduring mission under a single commander and composed of significant assigned components of two or more Mil Departments.
4 functional Combatant Commands
Cyber, TRANSCOM, Strategic, Special Operations
highest ranking Marine Corp Officer
CMC - Commandant of the MC. Member of Joint Chiefs of Staff.
reports to SecNav in parallel to the CNO
gives the geographic Combatant Commanders scalable MAGTFS that possess the unique ability to project mobile, reinforceable, sustainable combat power across a range of military operations
lead echelon of the MEF
MEF [Fwd]: prepares for the arrival of the rest of the MEF
commander who provides aid, protection, complement, or sustains another commander’s force
supportING commander
SupportING commander
aids, protects, complements, & supports another commander
Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
contents of an establishing directive between a supportED & supportING comamnder
purpose of support,
effects desired,
scope of action,
forces/resources allocated,
time/place/level/duration of support,
relative priority of the supporting effort,
authority -if any- to modify in the event of exceptional opportunity or emergency,
degree of authority granted to the supported commander over the supporting effordtq
Combatant Command (command authority)
- nontransferable/cannot be delegated- to perform the functions of command over assigned forces
assign tasks
designate objectivrs
give authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations, joint training, and logistics necessary to accomplish the missions assigned to the command
direction/exercise of authority over subordinates with respect to administration and support
- organization, control of resources, equipment, personnel management, training, readiness, discipline, other matters not included in the operational missions of hte subordinate or other organizations
operational control
- authority to perform the functions of command over subordinate forces
- oragnize/employ forces
- assign tasks
- designate objectives
- give authoritative direction
OPCON is a command authority that may be exercised by CDRs at any echelon at/below the level of COMD
- OPCON is able to be delegated from and lesser authority than COCOM
Tactical Control
- authority over assigned/attached forces or forces made available for tasking
- limited to the detailed direction and control of movements and maneuvers within he operational area necessary to accomplish assigned missions or task assigned by the commander
authority granted by a CDR to a subordinate to consult/coordinate an action
DIRLAUTH (direct liaison authorized)
4 categories of support a CDR may exercise over assigned attached forces
close support
general support
support given to a supported forces as a WHOLE rather than a subdivision
direct support
support given to a specific force where they must answer directly for all needs
Joint Task Force
joint force to accomplish missions within specific limited objectives and do not require centralized control of logistics
ad hoc versus formal agreement between nations
coalition - ad hoc
arrangement between +2 nations for common action and with specific objectives
Defense Readiness Reporting System
5 pillars of institutional readiness
unit readiness
capability and capacity to meet requirements
high quality people,
infrastructure sustainment,
equipment modernization
percentage of personnel strength and MOS fill cacluations
equipment and supplies possessed
material readiness conditoin
principal end item
Mission Essential Equipment
DRSS reporting requirements for medical equipment
DRRS only asks for AMAL 631 & 645 (STP equipment and FRSS equipmetn)
mission essential task list
- list of command’s essential task with appropriate conditions and performance standards to assure successful mission accomplishment
- assessment of METs is based on prsent state not future projections
meaning of ACE
not a formal command. categorizes the functionality of specific forces within the MAGTFG
role of ACE Commander
MAGTF principle advisor and SME of aviation
primary mission of the ACE
support the MAGTF during all phases of expeitioanry oerpations as well as during sustained operations ashore
6 functions of Marine Corp aviation
air reconnaissance
assault support
control of aircraft & missiles
subfunctions of Air Reconnaissance (a function of the ACE)
subfunctions of Control of Aircraft & Missiles (a function of the ACE)
air direction
air control
air control: airspace management & airspace control
subfunctions of Electronic Warfare (a function of the ACE)
attack, protection, warfare support
subfunctions of OAS (a function of the ACE)
- air interdiction
-armed reconaissance
subfunction of AAW (function of ACE)
Air Defense
- active & passive
subfunction of Assault Support (function of ACE)
logistical support
illumination of the battlefield
air evacuation
Combat assault transport
air delivery
aerial refueling
definition of OAS
air opts conducted against enemy installations, facilities, and personnel in order to directly assist in the attainment of MAGTF objectives by destroying enemy resources or isolating enemy forces
- principle support of warfighting is via fires and force protection (OAS/DAS)
- OAS allows the CDR to influence the battle by projecting firepower to shape events in time and space
air attack against a target briefed in advance
air interdiction
opportunity targets = armed reconaissance
actions used to destory or reduce the enemy air and missile threat to acceptable levels
primary purpose of AAW
gain and maintain whatever degree of air superiority that is required
force protection
operations conducted against enemy air assets and air defense systems before they can be launched or assume an attacking role
air defense
defensive measures designed to destory attacking enemy aircraft/missiles or to nullify/reduce the effectiveness of an enemy attack
Electronic Warfare
any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy
direct air support center {airborne]
air direction
authority to regulate the employment of air resources (aircraft & surface to air weapons) to maintain a balance between their availability and assigned priorities for their use
air control
authority to direct the physical maneuver in flight or to direct engagement of an aircraft/weapon system with the enemy
(broken down further into airspace management and airspace control)
airspace management
regulation of the use of airspace based on defined dimensions
airspace control
authority to direct the maneuver of aircraft so that the best use is made of assigned airspace
- positive control is a method of airspace control that relies on positive identification, trackign, and direction of aircraft wtihin an airspace
ACE for the MEF
- HQ for the ACE CE
- capable of performing all 6 functions of Marine Aviation
ACE for the MEB
- smallest aviation unit designed to conduct operations with no outside assistance except access to a support of supplies
primary mission of MAG: provide AAW and OAS support for MAGTF operations from a variety of main bases, FOBS, and aircraft carriers
Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron
- logistical support, guidance, and direction to MAG squadrons
- intermediate level maintence
- aviation supply support
_ coordination
- deploy/provide support packages
- Class V ordinance and ammunition’s logistics support
task of VMGR
Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron
- provide tactical aerial refueling for Marine aviation units and serve as an aircraft platform fo rthe DASC(A)
expeditionary airfields
Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron
- airborne EF
role of the VMU
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron
- reconnaissance, surveillance, & target acquisition
- real time target information
- BDA (battle damage assessments)
Marine Fighter/Attack Squadron
intercept/destroy enemy aircraft and surface targets
multisensory imagery reconnaissance
supporting arms coordination
Marine Attack Squadron
attack and destroy surface targets
helicopter escort
Marine Medium Tilt-Rotor Squadron
transport combat troops, supplies, & equipment
Primary: combat assault troop transport
Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron
assault helicopter transport of heavy weapons, equipment, supplies, and combat assault transport of troops
Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron
combat utility helicopter support
attack fire support
fire support coordination
airborne C2 platform for command element
airborne escort
Marine Wing Support Group
primary task: provide the capability to establish and maintain airfields, FOB, and groud support elements
Marine Wing Support Squadron
aviation ground support: internal airfield communications, weather forecasting, crash/fire/rescue services, refueling, sick call
Marine Air C2 system
C2 giving the ACE the ability to monitor, supervise, and influence the application of the ACE’s six functino
air direction
authority to regulate the employment of air resources by balancing an air resource’s availability against its assigned priorities and missions
air control
authority to direct the physical maneuver of an aircraft in flight/surface to air weapons
regulates use of air resources by balancing availability & priorities/missions
air direction
authority to direct the physical maneuver of aircraft/surface to air weapon in flight
air direction
airspace management
coordination, integration, and regulation of airspace usage in a defined dimension that results in the optimal use of available space
difference between airspace management and airspace control
is that coordination, integration, and regulation of airspace usage in a defined dimension that results in the optimal use of available space
senior air C2 agency
TACC: tactical air command center
main air control center
subordinate air control center
main: TACC = Tactical Air Command Center
TAOC: tactical air operations center
DASC: direct air support center
Tactical Air Operations Center
furnished by the MACS: Marine Air Control Squadron
provides the MAGTF’s organic surface to air weapons
Direct Air Support Center
furnished by MASS. Marine Air Support Squadron
Marine Air Support Squadron
MACG composition
Marine Air Control Grup
- MTACS: Marine tactical air command Squadron
- MASS: Marine Air Support Squadron
- MACS: Marine Air Control Squadron
MWCS: Marine Wing Communications Squadron
mission of LAAD battalion
low altitude
surface to air weapons fires in defense of MAGTF assets
task-oriented ground security forces in defense of MAGTF air sites
protects ACE assets
LAAD battalion
mission of VMU
reconnaissance, surveillance, target acquisition
- real time target information, battle damage assessments, adjust indirect fires weapons, TRAP
role of MWSS
Marine Wing Support Squadron
provides all essential on the ground support requirements to ACE
3 levels of maintence
organizational maintence
replace parts
mnor assembilies
intermediate maintence
depot maintence
major repair
only heavy lift helicopter in DOD
CH-53E or K
E: Super Stallion
K: King Stallion
payload of the heavy helicopter
30 passengers
24 litters
payload of Osprey
24 passengers
12 litters
aka C-130
mission of C-130
air to air refueling
assault support
MIR: multisensor imagery reconnaissance
C-130 payload
ground troops - 92
paratroop - 64
litter= 74
Super Cobra
mission of HMLA
support the MAGTF by the following:
utility support
armed escort
supporting arms
short for UAS
RQ - _
Type, Model, Series
family of unmanned aircraft systems
RQ - _
small UAS family
Puma, Raven, Wasp
(large to small)
mission of MARDIV
provide forces for amphibious assaults (or other ops as directed)
combat engineer battalion
Battalion Landing Team
- infantry battalion plus combat enablers
mission of infantry regiment
close with
the enemy
or repel his assault by fire and close combat
major element of close combat power of the MARDIV
infantry regiment
basic tactical unit with which the infantry battalion accomplishes its mission
rifle comapneies
nucleus of the BLT
infantry battalion is the basic tactical unit of ground combat power and the nucleus of the BLT
infantry battalion
close with
the enemy
or repel his assault by fire and close combat
close with
the enemy
or repel his assault by fire and close combat
infantry regiment
infantry battalion
differences in the role of artillery regiment, infantry regiment, and infantry battalion
artillery regiment: primary source of fire support for the MARDIV
infantry battalion: basic tactical unit of ground combat power
infantry regiment: major element of close combat power for the MARDIV
mission of artillery regiment
furnish close and continuous fire support by neutralizing, destroying, or suppressing targets that threaten the success of the supported unit
4 standard artillery tactical missions
direct support
general support-reinforcing
general support
combat operations center
primary mission of the HQ Battalion of GCE
exercise C2 and administration of the MARDIV
fire support coordination center
mission of tank battalion
close with and destroy the enemy
armor-protected firepower
shock effect
and to provide anti-mechanized fire in support of the mardiv
antitank platoon
unarmored anti-mechanized support tot he divsin
scout platoon
provides the tank battalion w/an organic mounted reconnaissance capability
what should employment of the tank battalion take advantage of
organizational speed
mission Assault Amphibious Bn
train, maintain, and prepare an assault amphibian battalion capable of conducting amphibious and mechanized operations in order to support the GCE w/maneuver, fires, force protection, C2, & logistics
how is the Assault Amphibious Bn primarily employed
primarily employed to mechanize the surface assault elements of a regimental landing team, assault amphibian battalion elements may be employed in a combat service support role in the FEBA or beach support area
forward edge of battle
mission of LAR Bn
reconnaissance, security, economy of forces
limited offensive ops or delay operations
speed, firepower, maneuver
mission of Combat Engineer Battalion
enhance mobility, counter-mobility, survivability, and provide limited general engineering support that is required for the functioning of the MARDIV
mission of RECON Bn
conduct advanced force operations, battlespace shaping,
amphibious/ground/airborne reconnaissance,
observe, identify, and report intelligence infomrations
provides the GCE with water and land based capabilities
benefit of AAV
9.1 pounds per square inch so it can operate in soft soil that tanks and LAV can’t