FMF GCE Flashcards
What is the basic means of mobility for a regiment?
Foot (FML!)
What is a Battalion reinforced with a CSS?
Battalion Landing Team (BLT)
How many M240G does a rifle company weapons PLT have?
What does weapons plt assualt section carry?
What is the basic means of transport for a regiment?
Foot (FML!)
How many 81MM mortars are in a weapons company?
Who is trained as a scout?
Who carries a SAW?
An automtic RifleMan
What is not a fighting position?
Which position is used primarily by crew served weapons?
How many guidelines are their for clearing a field of fire?
What Rally point is used as a reassembly area after the mission?
From what position do you start an ambush?
How many Battalions are in a division?
There is a HQ Battery and how many Arti Batteries are in a Arti Battalion?
What Weapon is currently used by Artillery?
M198 Howitzer
What is the Bore diameter of the M777 Howitzer
Is the Crew of an M777 Howitzer 7 Enlisted?
What is the cruising range of an M1A1 w/ NBC System?
279 Miles
What is the cruising range of an M1A1 w/out an NBC system?
289 Miles
What type of Warheads is the M1A1 able to deliver?
Kinetic & Chemical Rounds
What does TOW stand for?
Tube Launched, Optically Tracted, Wire Guided missle
How Long does Bridge EMPLOYMENT from an M60A1 take?
2-5 min
How long does bridge RETRIEVAL from and M60A1 take?
10 min
How many command Vehicles are in an AAV Battalion?
How many assault amphibian companies are in a battalion?
What are the (3) Types of AAV’s?
Personnel, Command, & Recovery
How many crew members are in and AAV-R?
5 enlisted
How many Combat Engineer Companies are in a CEB?
Which is a counter mobility task?
Preform specialized emolision missions
To Provide personnel, equipment, & appropriate task units to other elements of the battalion is a mission of?
The Engineer Support Company
How many General Task are their for a CEB?
How many Combat Engineer Platoons are in a company?
3 Platoons
What is the Max speed of a LAV-25?
62 mph
What weapon do all the LAV’s carry?
How many Task Does Recon Have?
What are the (4) Training Phases of Recon?
Basic ind, Advanced Ind, Basic Unit, & Basic Advanced Unit
What branch operates parachute training?
U.S. Army
Advanced unit training may be conducted in support of Landing excercises planned by other units?
What is Not a task of Recon?
To conduct under water demolitions
What is the primary Mission of the LAV-25?
To provide strategic mobility to reach & engage the threat, tactical mobility for effective use of firepower to defeat soft & armored targets, battlefield survivability to carry out combat missions
How many AAV-C in an AAB?
What weapons system does the weapons company anti armor plt have?
12 M47 Dragons
What is the mission of the assault amphibian battalion?
To land the surface assault elements of the landing force & their equipment in a single lift from assault shipping during amphibious operation to an inland objectives & to conduct mechanized operations & related combat support in subsequent operations ashore.